
Who's You? What about me?

Any word if PS4 and PC will get the open beta too? I tried the last beta on my PS4 for hours only to end up not getting to play it at all. Sucked big time so forced me to cancel my order as I don't trust the full game to deliver a good experience. Will just wait for the reviews and see how it turns out but there's

Any idea if it will be cross-save with the PS3 and Vita?

Is this revenge for the whole Tomb Raider thing? It's very nice to see a new Street Fighter but that game should remain multi-platform just like Tomb Raider. Microsoft should left Tomb Raider alone, Sony should left Street Fighter alone and just worry about making new exclusives that have never been multi-plat before.

WHAT? WHERE?? I didn't steal any Muffins!! *eats more*

*steals a muffin*

It was my most played game too!! Such a funny game

I broke my controller once and regretted it ever since. Was trying to beat the very last challenge in God of War but just couldn't do it. I wasted hours trying to beat it and so many times I got near to the top of the platform only for the enemy to have pushed me off. It really annoyed me and I lost control so threw

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5

I pre-ordered my copy of the game that includes this adapter in the box all for the wonderful price of £40. That's the price of the game alone. So basically mine is free from that offer. It's for sale if anyone wants it, for a wonderful bargain of £20,000,000. Any takers? No? Ok then I will just enjoy it myself!

I really wanted to get this game instead of Unity. The only reason I didn't get it is because I'm holding out for a PS4 version.

This reminds me of Ni No Kuni when flying on the dragon. Just the kind of thing a big Wii U Pokemon game could looked like

Lucky you lot are getting it tomorrow. Over here in EU we have to wait another week. :( But anyway, enjoy the game!

I was looking to cancel mine but it was too late. Was already dispatched and got it two days early. But now I'm getting GTA V and Far Cry 4 one or two days late cos they only got dispatched today. lol

I believe I read somewhere that PC gamers are in for a treat with this game. No quite sure what that means but maybe better graphics? What made PS4 your main platform to play the most hours in this game instead of a PC?

Sucks for us. CoD, Halo, GTA V and even Far Cry 4 gets released same time as the US while we have to wait until Friday for this. Just ridiculous

That game is amazing!!!! Wouldn't recommend DA 2 as it's a big disapointment but if you feel you need to play it then you should. DAO is just the best! God knows how many times I played it over and over again. I don't enjoy the story games much on their second play but for DAO, played so many times I lost count. It

That's one hell of a bitch slap! lol

So no french kissing then?