
Yes but doesn't mean you need to remove the account. Obviously as long as you have that account on your console, you can still re-download them so just switch over to your new account while it's being downloaded and play them. I've played many of my games using different accounts.

Darn I was hoping to screw up your save file. :( Just kidding! Or maybe not?! ;)

How often do you think people will change their psn ID? I'd say once and most people are happy with what they have (like me for one). I think Sony have more important things to worry about that psn ID changing. Maybe make a new account if you don't care about trophies? If you do care about trophies, then should have

One little thing I'd like to know when we do the friend take over feature, could it be possible for it to work as a two way? Say I have my game and a friend can assist me while he has a game of his own switch on and I assist him at the same time? That way play each others game. Or must it need to be one person at a

If you don't like him calling it xbone, how do you feel about this picture? :)

I really enjoyed the alpha. I'm level 7 but I beat the bosses when I was level 5. It was actually quite easy just time consuming. On my first fight it was hard as I didn't know what I was getting into so I died a lot by trying to be the bad-ass thinking I could take it on myself. But then I found that building for

Thanks. Will see if I can fit the time into playing it.

I've never played the Witcher games before but this one has certainly caught my eye so will most likely be my first. Would it be recommended to play the previous game before starting this or could it be a whole new story?

I don't think that's good enough. Draw a picture of the controller and point an arrow to show where Square is

Ah right. Thanks for clearing it up. Was impressed with how the game looks now but at same time was a little disappointed it didn't have the same look as that Tech demo. Had high hopes of it being darker

I'm a newbie here so bit confused. The game looks really cool and all but what happened to the last trailer that looked darker and more badass? Has the plans been changed to this?

When you drive the elephant off a cliff, let me know if it grows a pair of ears and flies higher than dumbo!

I didn't get round to Souls yet but I have Demon's from PS+ also. I tried a bit of it on a different account and I'm impressed with what I seen so far. Need to finish up my games quickly so can get started onto it properly and then finally get the Souls games.

I'm sure the Flash will be happy to play as Sonic

Talk about two birds with one stone. In this case, two faces

There is no competitive multiplayer mode in Unity, the first time a big new AC will lack that since 2010's Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

I don't buy for miltiplayer at all. I only buy my games for a good story. But if the game is really good, then I will try out some multiplayer but that only last for a short time. May as-well check it out while ya have it and be done with it.

A teaching job perhaps? I think Frodo and Sam could do with some lessons.

Yeah we all had one of them. Some good, some bad and some great!

- How's Wii U ownership been for you, so far?
I don't have mine yet. Will have it when Mario Kart 8 is released.