awesomeaustinv @

More of a hype trolley with a sharp blade dangling off the side

This is dumb!!!

The Siberian Slayers is kind of dark.  Or, the Rocking Rivas.

I noticed that Jason opted for the Rim-Blow steering wheel. He probably couldn’t resist that.

Yeah... I like both, but I do think the Alfa is more interesting simply because the VW is soooooooo much more common. Also, the Alfa Romeo Romeo had some pretty interesting engine options. You could get it with either a de-tuned version of the same engine found in the Giulia, or a supercharged, diesel inline twin.

And let's not forget . . Pogo Sticks!!!

So the answer to the question is actually very simple - the Chrysler Turbine that can run on tequila or Chanel No. 5. And it even looks like a time machine already!

Love it!

I’m probably one of like, 5 people who are actually excited about this car. The Mustang SVO has always been my favorite Mustang as I am a lover of the odd, different, and unique when it comes to cars and this is probably the closest Ford will ever get to bringing the concept that was the original SVO back.

Lovelies! And how the heck did they name it Alfa Romeo .......Romeo?

That Alfa is something else.  Maybe because the VW is so well known and I’m sick of it, but the Alfa looks a lot better in comparison.

I’m with you, the simpler the better.

I’m going to step outside popular opinion and vote for “less is more”. Poverty caps, a.k.a. dog dish caps, are my favorite on older cars as you could color-match the steelies to the body. And those red line tires make for a tasty addition to the package.

Same can be said for touch screen controls for everything...give me real physical buttons please.

This comment section is where we get to read the opinions of non-religious people about religious people and food. Yeah, I’ll just listen to my church and not snarky atheists. (My church doesn’t care much, I’m Episcopalian. We fast a couple times a year unless it’s medically prohibited, which it is for me, so I don’t

I think you're right.  They need bold.  Not even just as good, but as good and way different.

You want ugly? Here’s a Ssanyong Rodius. Straight from the factory ugly.

Wow. Its like they designed the car to look like a banana, sitting with the curve side down.

I can see what they were trying to do, but I also can’t unsee what they did do.