awesomeaustinv @

Even better execution than the 2CV....

Is this so Lambo can race in WRC?

Oh look. A mini fridge. How cute....

The comments section of this website is exhausting for exactly the reasons you stated.  Well said.

That’s probably better than looking like it jammed a 911 up its ass like the i8...

That sounds like a pretty good day.

A unified theory of tape is a very sticky subject.

Going to scream this into the void once more since it’s a common thing in these comments, with feeling:

I hate to say it, but that fire roasted Porg in TLJ looked really,really good.

The real hot ticket is a pre-64 with 64 subframes. You get IRS, and of course everyone knows the early ones look better.

I’m a big fan of Harrison Fjord.

And his sidekick Chewbacon

It’s Ham Solo, actually. Common mistake; don’t feel bad.

At this point, I much prefer the Grand Tour over Top Gear.

I get why people didn’t like it, but I loved Lebowski Thor. The thing is, he’s never been really part of the group. The Avengers work with him, and are happy he’s on their side, but when it comes down to it he’s an alien who can channel friggin’ lightning. They’ve never been friends, only allies. He goes off and does

Why did the marshals cross the road? To get to the other side.