awesomeaustinv @

And dirty-looking legs, as it has no fenders.

How do you know it’s not some fashion designer testing their revolutionary new line of car jackets/cloaks/winter coats?

bUt I cOmMuTe 400 MiLeS tHrOuGh ThE dEsSeRt EvErY dAy!!!!1!!!

So... Basically, it’s a Veloster N with a fifth door. Why can’t we Americans have five doors as well!? I say discontinue the current Veloster and sell the i20 here as the next gen Veloster. 

I look forward to many articles going into detail on all matter of big, beautiful brick-shaped buses. Also, congrats on the new job!

What I wonder is if black, white, and silver are so darn popular, then why aren’t automakers charging a premium for them? They can still advertise the same, low base price... In colors like orange, teal, and purple. But if you insist on being dull, you have to pay for it :D

I just want to say that I very much appreciate your little “Hummer on the moon” illustration up there. It’s very nice. In fact, I made it my screensaver :)

I say this with all the respect I can muster, and this is not meant to be an insult, but this argument is stupid. But you said it yourself, you are not a car enthusiast, you are not an expert on any of this, so really you didn’t know why this argument was stupid. For one thing, your argument that “The world doesn’t

I am not a person who likes electric cars, but this is an electric car that I love. This is the only electric car I would actually buy, and I want one badly. It’s so charming and adorable and just practical enough, and the three-wheel-drive aspect will probably give it a quirky but enjoyable driving experience. An

I’m not even an introvert, but it still sounds much nicer than the alternative. Hanging out with people is nice, but when there’s too many it’s just crowded and stressful and you can’t get a good look at anything. This sounds like a better balance of just being surrounded by loads of spectacular cars and a few people

Those things run on solid aluminum wheels. No tires.

Not arguing that there aren’t people who need this stuff, just that most people who are buying these don’t need it.

Technically, anybody with a job is a professional something. And the ads don’t say what kind of professional you have to be!

Improper use of the visor while reading warnings on the visor could lead to injury or even death. Never read the visor warnings before first reading the warnings in the manual, and even then you should read the warnings on the cover of the manual before touching it.

So... In other words, every year Honda makes the Ridgeline uglier and less special. The first gen Ridgeline was exactly what a unibody truck should be, and it looked good. The “weird” sail panels, from a styling perspective, look a whole lot better than just the shape of the cab ending with a 90 degree angle. And the

The correct answer is to chop the triangular tip off one end of the eraser, glue it on top to make a cab, gouge out a hole in the back, and voila! Eraser pickup truck!

No, no, it was Pontiac who most wanted to expand sideways. Pontiac was bragging about its “Wide-Track” cars since 1959. Judging by how all their ads seemed to depict cars wider than the actual production models, I think someone at Pontiac must’ve had a width fetish...

Ugh. Why is the pineapple pizza debate even a thing? Why do people get so passionate about such a stupid topic? Why can’t some people just accept that different people have different tastes and not everybody has to be into the same things? I’ve gotten into pizza arguments where I’ve literally been accused of not being


I just assumed the operator was expected to sacrifice their hearing for the good of the people.