awesomeaustinv @

Those suicide door Lincolns are sick, especially the four-door convertibles. Few classic luxury cars have ever looked so inexplicably sinister...

I didn’t have a favorite car until I bought my ‘66 Thunderbird hardtop... I love it. It’s a ton of fun when it works ;)

Sure, you can use a tuber Uzi. But only on Tuesdays.

Countercounterpoint: Cars are not and have never been completely rational objects. People buy cars all the time just because they want something they can drive that looks pretty. Similarly, people modify cars all the time to make them look prettier/cooler because they want to make something unique and special to them t

As far as I can tell, car guys are the only guys who don’t want to be tall. Small cars good.

Not exactly. Most (tasteful) chops are only around 2-4 inches, which isn’t too terrible, and if you’re worried about seeing traffic lights, there are these things called traffic light prisms on the market which, surprisingly, actually work very well I’m told. And as far as “messing up the lines the designer intended”

The only guns allowed are Nerf guns and squirt guns! But you can feel free to go wild with those.

Lets see, if I became Dictator of America and went insane enough to limit us to 5 car types but not so insane that I didn’t think it out...

Gorillaz, but I’m sure I wouldn’t want to eat whatever they make...

Perhaps this musical could be brought back today using classic trucks retrofitted with electric drivetrains so we can finally see the magnificent work of art that this musical was? Tesla could supply the retrofitted trucks for publicity and Grimes could sing a song or two as part of the deal. I see no way this plan

General Motors claims the Hummer EV will be capable of 1,000 horsepower, 11,500 lb-ft of torque (though it has yet to clarify exactly how it measures this) and will get from zero to 60 mph in three seconds.” Also, it’s an electric SUV so it’s sure to be heavy.

As I’ve said before, I love the idea of electric trucks. Electric cars? Nah. Screw that. But an electric drivetrain strikes me as being perfectly suited for trucky purposes (I know, I know, unless you’re planning on going 500 miles through the dessert and want to bring along gas cans except WHAT NORMAL PERSON DOES

Not to mention Lego still sells the police station set, so that’s another lie. They’re advertising it less, but that’s it.

It judges you? Seriously? This article reaffirms why everyone hates the Prius. Cars can be imposing, silly, friendly, sassy, competitive, even mischievous. But cars should never be judgy. The Prius is toxic and can die in a hole.

Yes, there is fun in the clutch pedal, but the shifter is also fun, and SOME PEOPLE HAVE BUSTED KNEES. Why is everyone forgetting that some people physically can’t operate a manual without significant pain? For medical reasons, this transmission is good.

Counterpoint: there are many people who have problems with their knees, may even be missing a leg altogether, etc, which prevents them from operating a traditional manual, and some of them are car enthusiasts who miss being able to drive a manual. This transmission solves that problem.

Or for people who like manuals but have, say, knee injuries and can’t work the clutch anymore. Those with health problems shouldn’t be excluded from the joy of manuals!

Good idea, they should offer it with a white grille. That’d be epic.