awesomeaustinv @

Look closely at Vader’s nether regions and you’ll see a little rectangular indentation, which looks like it could be some sort of door. That’s how part of it probably works, but as for the other end... I don’t know. Though with his cape on, maybe there’s another hatch we’re just not seeing...

I’m still trying to be optimistic and hope that it will drive like a cross between a Model 3, Mustang, and WRX. I think it looks like it could. Though it also looks like it could just as likely be terrible and a disgrace to the Mustang name. I’m definitely eager to see the reviews. 

For far too long, I’ve driven on 40-ish year-old tires which I couldn’t shake the feeling would detonate at any speed exceeding 45. Therefore, I have come to think of 45 mph as my personal warp 1. Anything beyond 45 was warp 2, and insane and unsafe. Now that I’ve ditched the old rubber for new whitewalls, a whole

Holy schlamolly! 54!!?? In a Peel!!?? Even the thought of going 30 in such a small car seems scary. I can’t help but think that in order to go 54 in that thing, your organ which I will refer to simply as “jingly biscuits” would have to be too large to actually fit in that tiny car.

Yeah, I’m normally not a fan of electric cars, but I would so much rather have the electric version of the Peel for the simple reason that the lack of exhaust fumes means you can drive it indoors, which is like the ultimate car gimmick.

I actually kinda dig that. Most other carlike golf carts look hideous, but that works perfectly. And if you made all the lights work and removed the speed governor... perfection!

What can that thing do that the Peel P50 can’t do better? The Peel can go on roads at speeds exceeding 30 mph, drive indoors if you get the electric version, and it’s just so much cooler. Plus, you can even give it some boomer-y style, if that’s your thing:

I gotta be perfectly honest... It was this:

Some say the Stig is the president of the BMRDWC.

Yes, as well as pine needle extract and the tears of a rare, endangered species of turtle from Tibet, which was deemed too rare to use for it’s incredibly useful tears.

The Three-Decker Taillight Adventurer can have that effect on people. I blame the hypnotic semaphores.

I’ve seen the Three-Decker Taillight Adventurer. Some say it’s nothing more than an old taillight-obsessed-wive’s tale, but I’ve seen it. It travels the world, powered by a magic turbine engine that runs on blinker fluid. It’s purpose is to rescue, protect, and collect examples of the world’s rarest and most special

It’s a repaint. I can tell because it’s the brightest shade of presidential orange, which wasn’t an option from the factory. If the paint was original, I’d be amazed by how good it is given the age, but since it’s a repaint (and a somewhat crappy one at that), it’s just deteriorating paint. At least I like the color,

I’ve never understood the appeal of removing the bumpers like that on cars that are clearly not intended for track use. For performance purposes, it’s fine, because there are advantages to it, but it sure as heck doesn’t make the car look any better. It’s just not a good look at all. 

My car, unfortunately, has the exact wrong amount of patina, where the paint looks okay from a distance, but once you get closer to it, you see all the little chips, scratches, and cracks, and it becomes mildly unsatisfying. It doesn’t have enough patina to look cool, it just has enough to make it look like it has bad

I seem to recall that when I saw the Deckard Sedan at the Petersen, the placard said that the in-universe reason for the exposed wiring, weird lights, appearance of missing body panels, and other aesthetic randomness was that supposedly the car is a retired police spinner which has had all of the equipment for flying

Can we all just agree that the paint job on the Bronco in the thumbnail is, like, SO good? What options package is that? Are there any still around? Who will be the first to wrap the new one like that when it comes out?

Yeah, at some point I got bored with all the popular cars, since they all just sort of blend together eventually. I still appreciate them, but I think the more obscure stuff is far more interesting. For my first car, I sought out the most interesting and distinctive car within my price range and area, and the result

Hey now, many people get into the car hobby because of video games. No need to shame the gamers. Of course, you can’t say you know what it’s like to drive the real thing if you’ve only ever driven it in games, but I can see how people would come to love certain cars because of video games. And some of them can give a

I want to believe that’s true, but I swear I’ve met people who genuinely believe it. And it makes me die inside just a bit.