awesomeaustinv @

Heck, they’d probably bounce through the headliner since Dauphines were not exactly known for being rust-resistant. :)

Makes sense. Still, It’s funny to think about someone saying “I want that car because firemen drive them” or a family that makes sure that everything they buy with the exception of cars is white.

The 2000's Fiat multipla is ugly. However, that actually makes me like it more. they tried to be different and interesting, and although it ended up looking flabby and ugly, what counts is that they tried to be interesting. Not enough car companies today are willing to build crazy stuff like this, and that’s sad. It’s

I can’t remember anymore. I think I’ve blocked it from my memory.

Well... I must confess, I don’t often eat fancy sandwiches, so my standards aren’t the highest. Unless you count a burger as a sandwich, in which case I’ve definitely had better sandwiches elsewhere.

You can argue all you want about whether or not it should be called pizza ‘cuz I don’t care. To me, it looks like pizza, smells like pizza, and tastes wonderful, so I like it.

The worst part is that I was really hungry and had no more food money or a source of more food money for many miles, so I ended up having to eat the whole thing!

I don’t even understand why someone would want to subscribe to their mailing list in the first place. The morning shift can be read right here at Jalopnik, so why would I want it emailed to me?

I have mixed feelings about Subway. At Subway, I have had both some of the best sandwiches I’ve ever eaten and the worst. My worst experience at Subway was on a trip where I ordered one of their limited-time-only specialty sandwiches on a whim, and when I got it, I bit into it expecting delicious sandwichiness. What I

That seems to contradict what I read in the terms and conditions agreement. I’m still not comfortable giving you my email address. Besides, I can always just read the morning shift here.

All I can say is... Daaaaaaaaang! That is one fine wagon! I actually want an Allegro now! I’d totally hot rod one of those and enjoy being the only person I know who has one.

Hahaha, you’re not tricking me that easily! I did the weird thing and actually read the terms and conditions agreement and it says that if I subscribe to your little email list, you’ll give my email address to other companies so they can send me advertisements! I’ve already got too many companies emailing me and

I think he’s pretending to watch Jones’s son while discreetly whacking Jones’s wife’s ankle with his cane knowing that this causes her to swing her arms in the air, which Jones hates because it makes them look weird, and Platt thinks this is hilarious. Platt believes that they deserve this because they’re writing

Yeah... sorry about the poor quality, I couldn’t find a better picture of the ad and I haven’t scanned the ads in my own collection. I agree, the people in that ad are doing the most random things. I also have this old DeSoto ad where, for some odd reason, literally everything the family owns is white except the

I meant that they didn’t seem too concerned with reliability in their description. I am aware that Jaguars of that age are not at all reliable, but then again, neither is a Triumph Spitfire. And the XJS has a v12....

I have a collection of over 180 vintage car advertisements ranging from 1946 to 1964, which I got because I was in an art class that had a bunch of old National Geographic magazines for the students to use as “art fodder”. I spent most of my spare time searching through those magazines for vintage car ads, which the

No. I will not buy it so you don’t have to. You must buy it so I don’t have to. It’s too cool.

How ‘bout a Jaaaaaaag? Specifically, an XJS. It’s British and therefore fun, and reliability doesn’t seem to be a huge concern so it’ll probably be fine. They look great, have v12s (!), are fairly quick, have a comfortable ride and several luxury features (when they work), and, well, it’s a Jaguar. I looked online and

There is nothing good that this can possibly mean. Even if I wanted to buy that truck and even if it was a good price, I’d say no just because the knowledge of that photo’s existence would make my skin crawl every time I sat in it. I’d at least demand that he have it detailed before the sale or else I’m not buying it.

This one’s complicated. That price, although not great, is fairly reasonable by GTO standards. The GTO was based on the Pontiac Tempest and although the GTO was not available as a wagon, the Tempest was, so this conversion is actually pretty easy to do and is very cool in my opinion. The problem is that although the