awesomeaustinv @

What would make this design a lot better would be to make the rear window able to be rolled down. If they did that, then they could design a passenger-carrying module and the rolled-down rear window would allow the passengers in both cabins to talk to each other. Or, if you choose, you could place your children in the

Alright, fine. Everyone who buys the new Shelby will probably crash in the same amount of time it takes me to after Halloween or espresso.

Conspiracy theory: John Cena’s GT’s owner’s manual contains some form of chain letter urging the new owner to sell the car to keep the chain going or something.

I’m gonna be perfectly honest, I’m commenting here because I was trying to comment on something else, but Kinja happened and I somehow ended up here without noticing but I already published the comment, so I’m editing it now because I can’t delete my comment, which would have made no sense in this context, so just

The subjects of Torch’s articles are getting more and more ridiculous and unpredictable. I love it, give me more. Side note, how do we solve the problem of convertible-driving centaurs with diarrhea and road rage?

I feel like you deserved at least one star for that.

I believe that there is a tiny bit of truth in the “vaccines are bad” movement, but there is also a lot of misinformation floating around. I know this because I was affected by bad ingredients in vaccines when I was very little, and the result was health problems that made me miserable often. I’m starting to heal now,

I believe I have a solution: Mitsubishi should partner with Volkswagen and build a Lancer Evo and Eclipse on Volkswagen’s new electric car platform. Then it shouldn’t be too expensive to bring them back, and the platform could be set up to have two motors, AWD, and a tallish ride height, so the new Evo could actually

Well... On the one hand, I am extremely sad that it’s just a render and not actually real. On the other hand, I have a new life goal.


Great. Just great. If you think it sucks to try to obtain cars from out of state or from other countries, think how much of a pain it’s going to be in the future to try to import a car from another planet or moon.

Update: I found the junkyard’s website and it seems the car is still there. The weather seems to have worn a bit more of the black paint off, but the car still looks epic. 

I discovered this image in an article about a junkyard in Idaho. I still think that car has the coolest looking patina of all time. The article was written back in 2014, so I don’t know what happened to the car. I hope that somebody rescued it and put a clearcoat on it to preserve that incredible patina. If not, I

Well, looking back at those images I realize that only in one image does it look like plastic with no chrome. I still think it seems pretty overpriced for what it is.

Exactly! Plus, the kid would then be making incredible memories and experience the joy of creating something awesome. Also, then they could possibly challenge some rich kid with a Bugatti Baby to a race and win and teach the rich kid a lesson.

I have very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, the part of me that loves microcars loves the idea of a tiny vintage racecar-like vehicle with 13 horsepower, which is probably plenty of power for something like that. But the price is just beyond insane. I don’t care that it comes from a prestigious brand like

All right. It’ll probably take several years, though, as I currently lack the time, space, tools, and probably skills for such an undertaking. Hopefully in the future I will have all of those things, and then I will try to make this happen.

I love this thing. While some people complain that the roof looks too round, I think it actually improves the look. This thing is fun because it’s like if ZAZ made a sporty variant of the Zaporozhet and then someone restomodded it. I have no problems with the fact that they tweaked the proportions, either, because

I don’t think there’s anything weird about naming cars. As car enthusiasts, we get very fond of our cars, and so it just feels right that they should have names. If you ask me, it’s no different than naming a pet. You’d think it was weird if someone only ever referred to their dog by the name of its breed, wouldn’t

Since I am a huge fan of both classic Thunderbirds and wagons, there is nothing about this thing that I do not like. The one thing that I think is a bit odd is the choice of seats, because if the seats in ‘62 Thunderbirds are anything like the seats in my ‘66 Thunderbird, they cannot be improved upon. Seriously,