awesomeaustinv @

I’m not a huge fan of motorcycles (I think most of them are ugly), but that bike is beautiful. If I could afford one, I’d learn to ride a motorcycle just so I could ride that one.

Why do automakers feel the need to misuse automotive terms? First they misused the word “coupe”, now they feel the need to make “SUV” meaningless as well? Honestly, they might as well call it a “convertible station wagon sedan utility” or whatever if automotive descriptive terms mean nothing now. Aside from the stupid

I once heard someone pronounce it pih-jee-aught. I myself pronounce it as poo-joe. I firmly believe that every pronunciation of Peugeot is wrong.

Black and Tan, you say?

Holy moly the resemblance is uncanny.

What the crap happened to the Soul!!?? Previous generations of this car were like beacons of hope for me that said that modern cars don’t have to be boring and ugly, that they could still look good and have personality. This new Soul’s front end looks like some lazy designer just mashed a bunch of random shapes

This thing is is real life art decco dieselpunk. There is nothing that I do not love about this, even though the Dart lights are a bit weird.

The point is not that it’s practical, the point is that they’re cute and tiny and fun. Most microcars seem to have a top speed of around 40-50 mph, although some can go faster. I think the Messerschmitt can actually go 70 mph.

My first thought after seeing the first picture is that it looks like an artistic bear carefully shredded and mauled the front end, thus conveying the emotions of the thrill of racing that is denied from bears.

I consider stupid HOA complaints to be a car enthusiast right of passage. I was so proud/frustrated the first time our local HOA complained about my ‘66 Thunderbird. At the time, we had three cars and three places to park cars, and my Thunderbird had to be parked outside. Since it is, you know, old, I got a car cover

My opinion is that sporty crossovers would be fine if they made them more like rally cars. I don’t understand why automakers keep making sporty crossovers that seem to be focused more on road handling, because that’s just dumb. I mean, if you wanted it to handle well on road, why did you make it a crossover in the

I predict that the next big car customizing trend will be to import Chinese-market Jetta parts and install them on American Volkswagens to convert them to look like Chinese Jettas, the point being to confuse people and be different.

It’s purely psychological. If you make the individual food units smaller, you feel like you can eat more of them while still consuming roughly the same amount. It’s like how if you cut pizza so that there are, say, 12 slices instead of 6, you will feel like you are eating more pizza even though the actual pizza

I feel their pain. I hate it whenever I get a Simca infestation in my back yard. They always eat the bushes and leak oil on the vegetables and they get very aggressive during mating season. At least they migrate, so I only have to deal with them during the spring and summer. I’m still tired of chasing them with the

I did not know the Growler existed but now I want one. It looks funky and it’s probably not bad off road, so what’s not to like?

I think It’s kind of silly to say that certain engine sizes are just big or small period. It’s all relative to the size and weight of the vehicle it’s being put in. That 289 ci v8 from the Fire Truck hot rod is big relative to the size of the car it’s in, but if you put it in, say, an old Cadillac land yacht, it would

I am a person who never wants to let an old vehicle die. If there’s any way at all to save it, I say save it. This, however, is one of the very rare occasions where I have to say that a vehicle is beyond all hope. You could maybe fix it with enough time and money, but at that point so little of it would be original

Over a hundred years ago, the equivalent of the Mustang vs Camaro war was the Mercer Raceabout vs Stutz Bearcat war. Just like with Mustangs and Camaroes today, the owners of both cars would lob insults at each other. Some of the most common expressions used as insults in this war were “The Mercer is worser” and “You

Technically, the plural is “Lego bricks”. Lego is the company and Lego bricks are the products. Lego itself says that they are bricks and not blocks and they are not called “Legos”, so the plural is not Lego, it is “Lego bricks”. Not a huge deal since everybody says it wrong, but if we’re gettin’ technical, we might

“A LEGO VW Camper is, quite literally, a childhood dream I didn’t even know existed come true.”