awesomeaustinv @

This needs to be the subject of the next Jalopnik Review. Whatever crossover is next on the list can wait.

I agree. I think in some rare cases grey can look okay, but that roadster would have looked so much better if they had just painted it some other color.

Unfortunately, back then most people were racist, simply because that was the societal norm. I think Henry Ford was just like most people from history, he had some good ideas and some bad ones. The Model T was one of his good ideas and racism was his worst one. Success can be dangerous because it has a tendency to

By “land yacht” I was thinking more along the lines of ‘50s and ‘60s cars, but you have a point that even gas cars can lack personality sometimes. I suppose if it’s a ‘70s malaise car, then pretty much anything would be an improvement over the smog-choked engines. The more I think about it, the more I agree an

Well, obviously a classic converted to electric is going to have more personality and soul than a Bolt or Tesla, but the point is not “does it have more personality than a new electric car”, the point is that gas engines have more soul. You’re right about “soul” coming from time, use and the owner’s efforts, but I

I agree 100%. Side note, I bought the ‘66 Thunderbird after looking at a ‘65 Thunderbird that was cheaper but in worse shape. I had done a bunch of research on ‘65 T-birds so that I would know what to look for, and I eventually came to the conclusion that the ‘65 was restorable, but not something I could restore,

I was waiting for someone to say that.

YES! That is why I am always against converting classics to electric. EVs have no soul. My ‘66 Thunderbird may not be fast or efficient or super reliable, but I can’t imagine converting it to electric because I wouldn’t be able to connect to it anymore. For whatever reason, the antiquated drivetrain makes the car feel

I feel like I should be offended by this but for some reason I’m not. I think this is smart because he took a luxurious but notoriously unreliable car and swapped in an engine that’s easy to maintain and cheap to get parts for.

If the production car looks like the concept, it will be the first electric car I’m actually interested in because it would look gorgeous. If they blandify it (which they probably will), then I will continue disliking EVs because reasons.

Well that’s a relief. Still gonna wipe it down though.

I am screaming inside right now. My car was made in the mid sixties, daily driven for several decades, and the steering wheel has probably never been cleaned. When I bring that car out of hibernation this spring, I’m going to give that thing a thorough wiping. 

That...that...I want it.


When the hydraulics in the hatch of my family’s minivan stopped working, holding the big, heavy door open was misery. I can’t imagine how awful it would be with a big trunk attached. Also, you can’t seriously tell me you wouldn’t end up bonking your head on that big box all the time. I like your articles and you have

Are you kidding me? The stupid “angry eyes” trend spread to Jimnys as well? At least the other ones are cool. The sierra Jimny is the coolest if you ask me.

It drives me crazy every time someone calls a classic car “garbage by modern standards”. I mean, DUH! The Model T was designed over a hundred years ago! It was the first affordable car, for cryin’ out loud! By standards of the day, it was just fine. Also, I’ve met several Model T owners and they are great people who

Yes. That would be awesome.

(sigh) I suppose you have a good point. I just can’t imagine driving a classic without the wonderful sounds they make. At least for me, it just isn’t the same, no matter how fast electric cars can accelerate. 

What year of Opel Rekord is that? Or is there no time and therefore no years in Dimension Woodgrain?