Who knows, maybe he’ll dedicate the site to outing gay people and publishing stolen sex tapes?
Who knows, maybe he’ll dedicate the site to outing gay people and publishing stolen sex tapes?
It’s almost like you don’t think that “Gawker Stalker”, outing private individuals and publishing sex tapes, all revenue-driven decisions, weren’t cynical. Or, maybe you just aren’t conversant with the definition of the term.
So this guy got the winning bid in a court auction. If you had an issue with the buyer, put together your own group of investors and place a winning bid. Otherwise, your article is simply a case of butthurt.
This is the kind of high quality journalism that only outing private citizens and distributing stolen sex tapes can provide.
It’s now the conspiracy theory party. Full on transition. A few years ago, we used to laugh at Alex Jones and condemn his stupid thoughts. Now those same thoughts are on Fox News and being repeated by Senators and House members. It’s legit frightening how stupid a large portion of our country is.
And Republicans also used to hate Russians, not fete and praise them, so
I have mixed thoughts. Kylie was definitely pre-ordained for a life of fame and wealth. I don’t think she was pre-ordained to found an $800 million cosmetics company. I have the same “Her? Really?” thoughts when I see money stats about Jessica Simpson and Jessica Alba’s companies. If converting B-list fame into a…
The old site wasn’t on “Disqus” — that was just the commenting service. The old site was running on a CMS that had been internally developed at the Onion over the course of many years. That includes the code necessary to lay out pages, the interface staff uses to write posts, and (probably most important to Univision)…
I think it’s not a matter of “will they do it” but “how soon CAN they do it”.
1st Gear: U.S. Regulators Struggling To Decide If Authorities Should Be Able To Shut Off Self-Driving Cars
A friend of ours came from an abusive household. She is also, like me, an experienced attorney. Her son is the same age as our son (both in elementary school) and they are friends. They attend the same camps. The night she told us that a neighbor, an older boy, showed her son how to masturbate, I was appalled. Then…
You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you?
Who cares.
Which is why the Cubs didn’t even really want him back in 2016, but there wasn’t a market, they got him cheap on a 1 year deal and he came back and won a world series.
I’m all for ragging on the BFIB crowd whenever the opportunity presents and they absolutely are mostly garbage MAGA racists.
Dancing skills
She found him non-sponge worthy.
Her willingness to literally go halvsies on breakfast muffins more than made up for any of her less admirable qualities;