Hey, Colorado voted for Hillary. Plus, legal weed is driving Session crazy.
Hey, Colorado voted for Hillary. Plus, legal weed is driving Session crazy.
Typically, in that situation if you tell them that you don’t want to “return” you want to “exchange” it they’ll allow it.
I would think that self-awareness (and especially how that translates into one’s public persona for a celebrity) is probably fairly highly correlated with intelligence, but you’re also right in a more general sense.
NPH is a guy who plays make-believe and dress-up for a living—reading and speaking the words that were created for him by the creative people. I’d advise most people to remember that when thinking about celebrities. He’s just as likely to have an IQ under 100 as he is to have one over 100.
Yes. Pointing out that vacations to nice hotels in far-flung places is “classist as fuck.” That is some scathing social insight.
I gotta say that that video is at least 37% better than I thought it would be when presented with the notion of “Max Kellerman: Rapper”
I can only ever think one thing, “Butthead’s mouth and Beavis’ hair” when I see that picture.
Kiss those sweet hand model dollars goodbye
Love’s actually pretty good now. You should have seen it in 1996.
United, yes fucking United, has upped their club game a little. The food is actually slightly better than “just edible” lately, and it’s still all the free drinks you can hammer in the 40 minutes before they make the final boarding call.
Since one of Rudi’s previous wives was his second cousin, they may need to go to special family court to sort the whole thing out.
Can we get an augmented reality “wax” of that hand as well?
Wrigley Field football where they only used one endzone.
It’s always the faggots that are causing problems for Rand Paul.
I seem to remember a Bill Knapp’s somewhere on the south side of Chicago (maybe Thornton, South Holland or Calumet City) that my grandparents would go to once in a while.
“Houston, there’s no better place to live from November to March.”
I am not a vegetarian, but the intelligence of octopi has kind of put me off octopus. I should probably eat my dog instead, because she’s dumb as a stump. She would never be able to squeeze out of her cage and find the ocean.
Pee tape or I’m not buying your premise.
I don’t know. He ostensibly ended up paying Taylor more than anyone he had ever paid, so in his mind he thinks that he and Taylor have a great relationship. He is clearly blind to many aspects of interpersonal relationships, so I think that fits the character.
Direct some of that ire northward also. You do know that if you are an American who gets a DUI in America then you’re not allowed to VISIT Canada, much less immigrate.