I see what you did there
I see what you did there
Considering your tundra has a C-frame chassis, and you don't care about gas mileage, I doubt Ford would take your idea seriously.
Not to mention, every great philosopher and military leader throughout history has been poignant in declaring fear as being an asset/attribute of the weak and ineffective. It doesn't matter what your political alignment is, if you agenda is driven by fear of something, thats bad for you, and bad for the rest of us.
I think we can tread a bit further, I don't think this pun is any worse for wear.
In order for this to be complete, they need to but a HUGE american flag on top of it, maybe with some guns or something as well.
This is just a fancier upgrade of the global hawk. I am pretty sure this thing has been around for a while.
Seems like nobody here has yet to realize a lot of the stance, and front end portions of the cars have to meet really crazy safety standards too, most notably the pedestrian safety and overlap crash tests.
Go look up the studebakers and whites from WW2 through the cold war then go sit in a corner.
No need to digress or be humble, mugen has been known for tuning great machines for a while, and i think these were all good examples, especially the NSX's.
As someone who uses "small trucks" and full size pick-ups for hauling and towing, I would say you are wrong. The ford ranger with the 4.0 is rated to 5000 lbs. towing, and it can tow alot more than that safely.
It does. And multiply the magnitude of the dudebros justifying this behavior as "just a few gallons."
The sides and proportions makes it look like they just copied a chevy colorado then slapped a poorly copied escalade front end. Doesn't look too bad.
Totally agree. Could not have said it any better.
He probably creamed his pants.
Yeah, I was thinking this would be the first thought instead of two beds. Makes alot more sense.
I was waiting for someone to post this one. So badass.
Yeah this thing is just messing with my brain. I'm sure its real, but then it also looks like a good-bad photoshop.