After becoming the major car buying advisor for myself, as well as the rest of my family, we switched from brand loyalty to specs, test drives, and expert opinions and testimony.
After becoming the major car buying advisor for myself, as well as the rest of my family, we switched from brand loyalty to specs, test drives, and expert opinions and testimony.
YES! This is what a made me love chevy trucks back in the 90's as a youngster. Totally reminds me of my dad's old s-10 work truck. I think I still have my chevy blazer and gmc jimmy models lined up somewhere in the basement of my parents' house.
Having tried both the home depot and the u-haul, i'd say get the u-haul one, its a much better value, and it shows. Here in the bay area, they are always booked, and before i got my hands on my f-150, i had to reserve the u-haul one 10 days in advance, and they only had a saturday free for the next 2 weeks.
I would rather take a toyota tundra over a chevy truck. Chevy/gmc trucks made after 1990 are complete crap for anything other than putting bro rims on.
I was totally distracted by the tan colored UAZ jeep that drove by the scene immediately afterwards. I want one of those things now, no matter how crappy they may be.
This is getting more and more depressing. When will Detroit get some good news? As in a sustainable streak bereft of corruption and general dystopia?
Yes, she needs to do some more close up reporting
I agree with you. This is something that I don't this is a form of spying of privacy loss on the part of the american public. My family and neighbors have had cars broken into and stolen, not to mention being near two of the most crime ridden cities in america, I support police receiving tools like these.
What a great car, and a great truck to pair it with :D
Thats exactly what I thought when I saw this on the front page. Kevin Spacey: epic helicopter saw pilot.
Its a stereotype, so it doesn't hold true for all. But damn, living in northern california/bay area, it seems to hit spot on for 99% of prius and insight drivers. Lost count of how many times I have seen a prius troll the left lane on I-80.
I hear you, these cars are awesome, but especially around here, theres 1 awesome owner with a pristine looking car (fox), and 1000 crappy ones who ruin the cars with fart cans, wal mart wheels, and junky body kits that seem to justify this stereotype.
It could just be me not being well versed in tundras, but are those also custom wheels?
oh yeah i actually agree with you. I think they could lower or change the rear end at least a little bit, or just do like you described and just lower the suspension a little on the compact/budget/performance versions. I think it would be reasonable enough to assume and even justify that most people who buy these…
Even if you didnt watch the clip, the title frame says it all. A hatchback that looks like its aiming for the sidewalk and a bobcat in a wtf-huge intersection
amazingly awesome. well done sir.