
Responding her lawsuit denying what happened would be perfectly reasonable. But huge chunks of this are just grandstanding nastiness of questionable admissibility. For more on that, I’ll defer to this comment which points out the problems very well: http://deadspin.com/1-respectable-…

Her attorney could move to strike almost the entire complaint. Almost everything they complain about is privileged communication; she can’t be sued for most of those statements EVEN IF THEY ARE DEFAMATORY.

Just setting everyone up for his impending crash and burn.

“I find it particularly ironic...that the anti-abortion community would choose to use one of the staples of murder, actual bombs, to spread their pro-life message.”

Supposedly, the 27th President William Howard Taft was so fat that he got stuck in his bathtub.

Except the parts where Romney was his first choice and he hates unions, sure, he’s a liberal and staunch Democrat.

Hate burst your anodynity but political outrage radio has no requirement for political consistency.

Bullshit. Coaches are entrusted with the safety and well-being of teenagers and young adults. When they screw with it and damage people due to incompetence or malpractice they should be held accountable.

Only cost him his knee. Hey, Junior Seau got paid good money to have his brains beat out of him.

Jon Stewart is probably better at sports than you. Hell, homey was a D-1 college soccer player. You play any D-1 scholarship ball in any sport? He’s smarter than you, more athletic than you and most assuredly more financially comfortable than you. Maybe you should just stfu.

What Millennial can afford a $250 annual fee on a credit card?

Ugh, Scott Walker, you are the worst. I’d rather have Carly Fiorina as President than you—she’s crazy and incompetent, but you’re fucking evil.

I look forward to the day that the so-called liberal media takes Walker and his ilk to task over their total lack of adherence to the deeply held religious principals they spend so much time yammering on about.

Quite a few readers think he might have used “ugly” to insult her personality, which I at first wondered too. But after thinking about it, I think he used “ugly” because he knew that’s what would sting the most. An ugly bride on the most important day of her life?! If he’s implying she’s ugly on the day of days where

Yeah, but calling someone out on their wedding bullshit is, like, the best friend’s job, not the photographer who’s being paid probably a lot of money to be there.

“Let the women play in more feminine clothes like they do in volleyball. They could, for example, have tighter shorts. Female players are pretty, if you excuse me for saying so, and they already have some different rules to men—such as playing with a lighter ball. That decision was taken to create a more female

Wow, it’s almost like the Barca of today are playing much better than they were when that article was written.

Not sure why it says June 5, but it’s still pretty damn funny.

This isn’t about what passengers can do — they should be able to, you know, ride home in an Uber, a yellow cab, a bus, or a fucking unicycle without getting raped, groped, kidnapped, menaced, harassed or any other damn thing. This is about simple steps Uber could take to improve its processes when something like this

Um, yellow cab drivers get background checks and have a lot to lose if they commit an act like this. There is an easily visible number identifying the cab as well as a PARTITION that would have prevented the touching. Uber lets anyone with a vehicle and a license become a driver. That is why there is a new Uber-rape