avocado's number

Perfect use of condoms and perfect use of withdrawal method are both in the high 90s. Typical use of condoms is in the 80s, and typical use of withdrawal is in the 70s. Hopefully that makes you feel a little better?

Reset the clock.

Can we talk instead about how this looks exactly like every other music biopic that has ever existed?

An alternate headline for this piece could be, “Is My Weird Lust for Tom Hiddleston Clouding My Judgment, Oh God”

YES. And what the Romneys of the world don’t understand is that, if you need $20 for groceries, then $20 is not a small amount of money. Even if it seems so to a lot of people.

Yes. Honestly, I think the only thing standing between me (and most people) and homelessness is having people that could support me if I fell on rough times. I could cobble together some kind of network of friends and family to provide me with a safety net of sorts.

Yeh, I am lucky that my mom has no problem with me coming home as long as I pay rent and help around the house. She’s also single now, so it’s not like I’m encroaching on my parent’s alone time. I think she enjoys having me around most days.

She may not be able to pay any of my bills or lend me money, but she did say

You did nothing to earn it, it is not fair, but it is not something to be guilty or ashamed of. Own your privilege, but recognize that many do not have it and do what you can to level the playing field.

Best safety net ever was my mom’s “a hot meal and a place to sleep”. I did end up paying her rent after I graduated high school.

I was reeeally broke in my early-to-mid 20s; for one summer, my big treat every week was a six-inch sub on Fridays. It was hard and depressing and I felt sorry for myself until I realized that if I got hit by a car or something, my family would keep me from being homeless. That is an immeasurable weight off one’s

Yeah, exactly. It’s actually so hard to suppress those feelings of jealousy when I hear my peers casually mention how their parents have had to top off their bank accounts twice so far this semester while casually flirting with the idea of getting a job for some “extra pocket money”. I’m not bitter; it’s natural and

I know. I mean I really don’t begrudge anyone for it and I’m glad that people have that safety net. I think my parents probably have less money than I do at this point. I could never ask.

It’s the people who don’t acknowledge or understand how much they’ve been helped that I just don’t understand. Do these people not have ANY friends of different economic backgrounds than themselves? I’ve seen friends struggle with crushing student loans, driving cars that cost more to repair than they would to

Seriously? Again with the “and I don’t feel bad about” having advantages that other people can only dream of? Jeez. No one ever said you should feel bad about it. No one went on the offensive against your grandmother. This article is not a personal attack on you and your family’s liquid assets. Did you really feel

Yeah, same. My parents have given me a pretty generous safety net with regards to many things. I can’t imagine pretending like I somehow have it the same as my friends who have had to pay their way through multiple degrees all on their own because they came from poor or working class families. I’m beyond grateful that

You shouldn’t feel bad about it, at all (even if the general consensus is that you’re an awful, awful person! bad, millennial! bad!) It’s good that you acknowledge the help you received.

Love the bag, love the shoes, love everything!

And then you end up in prison because of debts to the government. I thought we were beyond living in a Charles Dickens novel *sigh*

Recidivism, a performance art piece by the Department of Corrections & associated acts

This photo makes me feel weird.