
Sort of cliche and annoying that every time the Simpsons' name is even mentioned references to the show not be funny since X number of years ago is made. I seriously wonder how many people who say that are just saying that because everyone else is saying it, I mean some of those people I bet, haven't seen a new

A lot of it is stupidity and ignorance, and not so much a generational gap. But not all...

@EnglandRob: It isn't like the government can't or doesn't read our mail whenever they want to.

Worked at the Department of Transportation as a summer job (flagging traffic majority of the time).

@ViiLink: Or baseball cards...

The thing looks more laborious then a regular bike and harder to control.

@tipt0n: I'm sure this is tame compared to some of the stuff he puts up with.

Just did the math, .01% (rounded) of the US population is Amish.

I'm guessing the 1080p will come 1 year later and Apple will claim it as a technological breakthrough.

@Confuzius: Any chance you were born 11:11 am/pm?

@xSix: You go to hell.

@thinkthis: Most people lie about no longer being one, not the other way around.

@Celtic1888: Unless medical science extends the average lifespan long enough to experience the end of humanity. Wouldn't that be ironic...

phew! 2 centuries, not my problem.

@Matt0505: Maybe he honestly could care less, but doesn't want to.

@38thsignal: No need to apologize to me, never said I regretted watching it.

@38thsignal: The ending could leave you a little traumatized.

I don't know about you guys, but I was hoping for a finale with all of them popping...