
She reminds me of Octavia.

Agreed that permission would have been better, but Jimmy was in a Catch 22 situation.
He was in one of those stuffy firms that would never agree to do anything atypical until someone just does it. Only then do they realize that they were wrong and follow suit, and don't reward their sacrificial lamb. Sort of like

I doubt Cliffs commercial had as many responses

A boring gay version of Roger Sterling?

The firm screwed Jimmy for his excellent commercial, and yet then hypocritically did their own.

Do you prefer Caucasian?
Even hitler considered Infians to be Caucasian

you do realize that into-aryans are white?

How about Kimball from the Fugitive?

the episode gave me "ulceritis"
what inspired casting. The Academy will love it.

They'll have many episodes of going after guppies.

What are the characters ethnicity?
Axel rod is an obviously Jewish name and Wendy comes across as unambiguously Jewish,
Axes wife says she is Irish
What is Rhodes supposed to be?