
It's not that bad really. It could be a LOT worse. Have you tried taking off your credit card info on an Xbox Live account? It's a nightmare. I suggest if you ever use Xbox Live that you buy points/membership from stores instead of online, and to avoid tying your CC info to them.

Would have been a good time to use that one stop button that's always begging for a push. Pretty sure no one but the people on top could have pressed it though.

Great, now I have to go re-watch all the movies. I hope you're happy.

Minus the Professor, I hope :P That title will have to be EARNED

:Sons of Metroid

For those who are playing it for the first time, don't press anything in the beginning and sit through the "press start screen" or whatever. It'll show a cinematic that isn't shown when you start a game. I think there are actually two, if I remember right..

Ash is a badass nickname for Ashley. Ashley is also in Wild ARMS 2 :)

Suikoden II!

Dude, I tried fighting a boss with the shitiest weapons in history and pulling off long chains myself, and gave up after awhile because he would not DIE. I'll probably revisit it myself soon now that it's re-released, though I still have the original with me.

I blame society for placing meatheads like Jersey Shore cast on a pedestal

They definitely are. I need to start watching it too. Ah Netflix, always saving money in the end.

I'll just use IMAP on 2 computers

You could try University campuses. I worked at mine while getting my undergrad, but they also hire full time IT. Look into any Universitys/schools near you. Maybe you can even network with the military bunch on schools to get a foot in.

I'll come in when the next model comes out, thanks :P Though I am definitely interested in seeing the current one in action. I'll have to track someone down who has one or go to a store with a showcase of it.

I don't have any iPhone/iPod/iPad to play this cool looking game on. It's a shame, but maybe they'll port it to Android sometime after. Or just to PC/Mac.

This is definitely an advantage because of the PS3's crazy processor and other hardware, but I'm sure technology has evolved more. If not, it soon will become obsolete as a super computer. Though you can still stack them and get crazy process times with them I'm guessing, and still spent a fraction of what you'd spend

Definitely. I'm gonna miss his weapon-lessness from the first one. We'll see how it turns out though.

They go away after awhile, donno the time limit. If you don't see it immediately afterward then that's not right. Sorry dude, maybe it'll be fixed soon? I guess check your spelling/grammar before your posts, for now.

I think he's just trying to hack the PS3 so you can install Linux on it again like you used to be able to. It really... doesn't seem like it's worth all of this trouble, to tell you the truth.

But you might upgrade your phone by then?