
Labeling people based on where they live is very poor judgement and I find it insulting. And the industry is heavy in the midwest comment? May be true or false, but either way I'm pretty sure every part of the country is using those products that are being manufactured.

XM uses 2332.5 to 2345.0 MHz according to Wikipedia. Donno what satellite radio you use though, if it's not that one.

The graphics overhaul is pretty awesome. But I have to say that it definitely looks like a clone so far. It seriously looks like he's just trying to make Minecraft for the 360 and coat tailing Mojang (think I worded that right..) I like the idea, but I'd be happier if he was hired by Mojang to make it official rather

Cool, thanks everyone. I guess I didn't see the name because the media bar was hiding it

I'm lazy. What was that fighting game at 0:33?

Or they can simply release Suikoden 2 for PSN and I'll cry from joy

Or doing something productive.

There have been just as many, if not more, articles about kids or teens in US or Europe killing parents or kids over a video game. Shit happens everywhere.

There are easy programs you can make or download to monitor bandwidth usage in cafes. This should probably be implemented in all internet cafes to prevent incidents like this happening in the future.

Most cafes you pay for a certain amount of time, which is probably the situation at this cafe. I think the owner was being slightly greedy and milking the man of his money. The tools are there, they just need to use them right.

Seriously. Is it so hard to just ignore articles?

There are always time capsules!

It's really up to the instructor, in my opinion. I walked into a class early one day when I was in college and the professor for the class before mine asked if I was a student and if I wasn't to leave. All his students, no joke, were filled in the first 3 rows of the lecture hall (when there are maybe... 40 rows of 30

Seriously. +1

Bravo for lasting this long!

It's great that it works for you and others, but there's obviously a problem out there affecting PS3 players and PC. Even Xbox had issues in release. This is a game that should have been held back to iron out these problems but instead was released and is a failure in my book as well as others I bet.

He was making a statement about the situation. That the PS3 version of Black Ops is a piece of shit that needs to be flushed down a toilet.

I think making this game is a definite bad idea. Even if you bar kids from buying them they'll get their hands on a fresh copy somehow. This is being made too soon and I'm realizing how the parents of fallen soldiers feel in regards to the most recent Medal of Honor game. My family live near the border and I worry for