
@Michael Dukakis: If you really don't have any consoles, this is better than nothing. It also has a shitload of games in its library that are a lot cheaper than current games. I might argue that even some of them are better than their successors.

@xxnike629xx: The brick is gone? I might consider getting a new PS2 now. Mine first got old and stopped reading discs unless I taped them, my second (slim) one was water damaged from my basement getting flooded.

@Vintage: Yeah, it's possible to do it yourself. But that would be hoooourrs of work. Having more hands always helps.

@Vintage: It was on a server, so it actually was a bunch of people that made it. Penny Arcade forum members to be exact.

@superapplekid: Don't forget the awesome fan-pack thing they sent with a bunch of fan art, vids, and music!

@Jonn: I remember buying M3 awhile back from Play Asia and was so excited. I played it but couldn't read Japanese so I was kinda screwed til the translation came out. Such a great game though!

@Zachary_DCCLXXVII: They could call it "Kasa" or whatever the Japanese word is for "mother".

All I can think of when I see that screencap is: "OOO RED CHEST!"

@anduin1: Servers also are slow as hell when over millions people are trying to get the same game. We're all gamers though, I'm sure we can find SOMETHING to occupy us until the servers are back up/stop being flooded :)

@kearneybobs: That blows. They really should keep the prices through all the countries it serves, but there's overhead cost I guess and other stupid economical shit going on.

@Ueziel: Seriously, I don't even know where to go in FF2 and gave up shortly after starting it because it was not interesting at all.

@kearneybobs: The beautiful thing is that there are usually deals on it for preorder or a few months after release. At least in the U.S. there is.

@Michael Dukakis: @alphaprologist: Amnesia will help you forget everything because you'll be too terrified to think about anything but hiding from freak monstrosities.

@arionfrost: But he winked... I'm 65 percent sure the wink was sarcasm.

@Pezdispenser: Tales was 5 bucks, so that was pretty much a given :)

@FaustsHausUSA: They would only lose money if it was fully exclusive. There are bound to be others that buy it for the other platforms, and if they don't distribute the DLC to them also, thats a lot of cash they'll be missing out on.

@Shibbs: Chinpokomon, I wanna buy you! I wanna buy you!

Sorry, but as for now Kinect/Move/Wii still feel like they would be better as arcade machines than as home console peripherals. Wii was only fun with Wii Sports, and it seems all the other games were inferior to it. Even the Twilight Princess just ticked me off rather than make me enjoy the game more with the crap