
Bruce, you are possibly my most favorite celebrity ever.

It's a trap

@Mailz: I don't trust any integrated chat. I'd always use third party like Mumble or Ventrilo.

@Mailz: I played with a roommate who was in the room next to me, so comms was definitely not a problem for us

@Nihilism: Ah, definitely. They seem really influenced by it.

@Mailz: I really like Borderlands, but damnit it is repetitive. It was easier to play with a friend than by myself.

@ibro911: That don't sound like Steam to me :(

@ToastyUterus: I think removing it now would do more harm than good. Too many have adapted these scores. I remember times when we never had scores and still had fun playing games. I agree that it's sad that we now need a number to value our game experience though.

Ok, if there's more Metal Gear Kojima, make it for PS3/Xbox. I donno if I can stand another PSP title, even though PW was pretty good itself.

@wrackune: Agreed. Or they should be fired. Or made to play the older FFs that are quality.

@Nihilism: Cyan was most def a man whore sometime in his life.

Hot and fresh off the kitchen?

Death sequences ftw

@billysan: I like chocolate cake only. The other flavors can go to hell. Except maybe coffee cake.

@ToastyUterus: I'm sure most people disagree with your statement on achievements, seeing as how big game companies have adapted them.

@Nulls: Steam does the same thing. I lent my account to my brother for a week, right when I got it back it was VAC banned. I tried contacting them to unban it but they said it was irreversible (pure bullshit, but I see their point else they'd be un-banning a shitload of people).

@billysan: When you make your game, you can leave out the cake.

@comtar: That's lame. Good thing I never really use those stupid jewels, powerful as they may be.

@TheRescue: Hey, I have that collection! I got it for around 60 bucks or something years ago.

@Archaotic: I approve of this statement. The game literally kicks your ass at times. I've gotten so angry with those freakin skeleton knights/soldiers!