I'm not really disappointed at the video since I got here looking for footage from his previous job: car porn without the car part.
Title for next BM post: copypaste a sentence from the translation, such as ""It does not matter full album of Brazil of the end of March".
Do you happen to have a Miata and are still butt hurt about his comments?
Swap Maldonado with Vettel. Problem solved.
I think the G-forces and human capability (manageable speed) issues is one of those things that seems impossible to overcome today, but that no one will remember in 20 years when it's solved and/or was discredited to be substantial or relevant enough.
That or cars will have lower specs than today, again something that…
People die in cars all the time, no matter the brand. The only similarity is that they both were in an expensive one, which is not weird considering stars drive expensive cars (except Ludacris).
Anyway, what is the point you are trying to make?
That's an unfortunate title for the news post considering the winner of the Miata race was not in a Miata, nor second place, and the drivers that had the most fun weren't in one either. The competition consisted of two different cars.
I'll take the Elise.
My great youtube skills lead me to this, which also fills the lack of the Elise in the track race.
The S2000 that they released in the past millennium?
now contradicting myself: actually the channel was created a while ago, with Initial D and other material in it, but recently started uploading BM footage.
Just noticed that youtube channel was created very recently and has tons of early BM content. Must subscribe to.
Everyday is Best Motoring day.
The problems are they usually race in a short track with lots of slow corners (Tsukuba and others), in which JDM cars excel because of the gentlemen's agreement, and sometimes they don't say which tires they are using, especially when those weird situations happen.
It isn't that easy to do. Requires complete new scanning.
The old tracks and cars currently used are 10 years old, which is an eternity in gaming and they were never made to last that long.
The 'duplicates' issue is mostly solved by removing the 'standard' (GT4 and older) cars. Those are the major offenders.
Is this a tactical error on the part of Turn 10, especially with the upcoming release of Gran Turismo 6 on the PS3, which has 1,197 cars and 39 circuits? Granted, a lot of the stuff in GT6 has roots in Gran Turismo days gone by, while Forza 5 is a ground up effort for the first of the next gensystems.
Tsuchiya > C.Harris
At this rate the S2000 replacement will be a new generation of the Miata, maybe a special edition of it.
Honda just lost track in what made it great, across most of the cars it offers and in future projects.
There would be if the list didn't have three tuned cars.