
You have to turn off private browsing in safari for this to work. I'm pretty sure.

Please read articles before posting.

If Siri did nothing more then play tracks in iTunes on demand (which it does now without fail) it would be cool enough for me.

Apple TV kicks ass!

You guys missed, "Fixes bug affecting battery life" which it clearly states in the software update.

It's incredible how clueless some of these large companies are. It really makes you wonder how they became successful in the first place.

Clearly no one is above feeling the pressure of NOT being an Apple fanboy.

If the text is justified left to right and top to bottom then it correct.

I need new movies, I have pretty much watched every good movie they have.

He was referring to the overall success of the iPod vs. the Zune. Not the quality of the device itself. Hasn't the Zune been dropped by Microsoft?

Yes I would.

be patient, i'm sure they will work out the bugs over the next few months.

it's really not that expensive.

Android blows...


can't you guys post higher resolution pictures?

google needs to stop working on new shit and get right what they already have out there.

I seem to get iTunes gift cards for every occasion, so it's Itunes for me.