Kimmel: "… And who the hell even knows who's who from which movie…"
Kimmel: "… And who the hell even knows who's who from which movie…"
Hundred fiddy? God dammit daveshayne, I ain’t gonna give you no hundred fiddy!
"… or whose opinions of him haven’t been changed by the fact that dozens of women have accused him sexual assault."
Hah! Of course, that's *two* stations I don't have in my cable package. Hah again!
There has long been a place in entertainment for people who don't know how to clap correctly, and it is called Wheel Of Fortune.
I guess it's a testament to his long career that the small role I always immediately connect him with (the famous Chinese Restaurant episode of Seinfeld) doesn't even get a mention here. Also, as I now recall that episode aired in 1991, I feel old and sad.
I will suspend my embargo on the ludicrous prevalence of things called "American [blank]" because this could be pretty cool.
I don't need to tell some of you nerds, the name Zima was invented by none other than Jane Espenson, before she wrote for television.
You know what else is coming back from the 90's?
That was "Revenge / Getting Rich / Aching", which featured a long shot of Forrest's old nemesis getting in his car in which a shit-bomb explodes. I don't know if I've laughed harder at anything in years.
Me too!
Oh no, is it one of those channels down in the low numbers that's standard-def only? I'm always afraid to go down there.
Those are the only remaining original pieces because a fancy car, a fine pair of shoes and a stylish top hat are all a man really needs.
"You don't get paid for landing on Free Parking." — It's shorthand: the only places you can park for free in Atlantic City are abandoned lots, where you find the drugs tossed from a car window of a local dealer being chased by the po-po, then you sell them to any one of numerous customers in the nearby derelict…
The comparison with Cap'n Crunch is unfair; you can sell beer without a dog and Cheetos without Chester, but you can't replace the Cap'n. He's the name of the cereal!
It's cool in a 1920s kind of way, but yeah, she looked even a lot cuter and with more flattering makeup at some of the comic-cons and other events.
Eyebrows: Check.
"Over 60, impish, yet melancholy prankster." OK, how about Robin Wiiiiiiiiiohhhh shit never mind.