
"...we are performing additional testing."

@accipiter: Not sure I'd go with "hot chick" for a 60+ year old.

Haha!!! Bowling still spouting Kotick poo. At least they're consistent!

Impressive. Moast impressive.

@ConfederateRokr: I completely, emphatically disagree. Then again... I've never had a sperm count done. :P (& I'm not Catholic)

Big fat goose egg for AT&T. Way to go guys!

@Arken: By the by, saw a special on Skunkworks the other night that shed some light (for me anyway,) on a man by the name of Clarence "Kelly" Johnson who has been largely responsible for the design of some of the most visionary aircraft (out of Lockheed) of our time (including the P-38). Just fyi! :)

@Manly McBeeferton: lmao - I demand all science book publishers known change the definition of event horizon to your version immediately.

@Celtic1888: Was tech support for a tiny isp in a small-ish metropolis in '94. Nobody had a clue. It raised my patience level by a factor of a gazillion.

Well at least they teased the new NS... X... oh, wait...

"a cadaver finger (taken from the North Carolina Medical College) stuck with two pins and wearing a ring; a rubber covered magnifying glass; a pill box containing two 22 cartridges, one pin, two rings, and six Strychnine pills; and an egg that been emptied and had a button placed inside,"

@Nitesh: Good catch. Pretty big difference between those. This is the corrections tag...

No "study" will ever convince me of this. Regardless of source, institution, political affiliation, or deity status. I can spot the fuckers 20 cars back.

Ah yep. Well, that's one way to piss off the hacker community and paint a big red target on your fat corporate face.

My gramps hasn't been able to smell worth crap for years now. He's also 96. So... you're saying... Oh NO!!!

@scingram: Sounds like a fun song - "oh ho, liiittle phone... you'll dock it.... bigger machiiineee."

@DrakeDatsun: This. That we're able to come so close on a home console is quite astonishing. (to me anyway... ?)

@Toastie: Wonder if the 2D plane has something to do with it as well. i.e. - if a large scale "real life" 3D mock up would be more/less effective.