
"While the US government says that this is not alarming,"

@PajamaSam: Try avoiding trailers, I've found it has mixed effects, and is incredibly tough sometimes, but generally works wonders for my opinion of the film in the end (I think). I find the onslaught of marketing these days pretty much sums up the best parts of the film in the trailers. How much better would it

That sounds like a pretty slim frequency range for such a wide rpm range. Is it me?

@nmalinoski: Been wondering that for yeeeears.

@OMG! KaZx: Thanks! "Ditto mu mother can kill phone" is my new favorite phrase. I think I'm going to write a song about it as well.

@xhedgehogx: Your question contains zero logic, but I'll bite. No, Android isin't "that sluglish", but neither was DOS on my 286, or Windows 3.1 on my 386. XP runs just fine on my Pentium.... see where I'm going here?

@Rock517: Also, the painter's tape is a lovely contrast to the yellow, yes?! :D

Private video.

@Eugene Ng: Figured. I love the media.

@doggdiggity: Completely agree. Though, I'd really like an official queue/search app from 'em though.

@Llew: So... you're assuming an "unarmed" civil war would be less "ugly" somehow? Ha!

@zakany001: that's when you upgrade the i/o board?

@weezermc78: Yeah, I guess what I meant was, has there been another game that you were as excited about since SSBB? I'm guessing no.

@Homer Berkowitz: Every time I hear Elton John's Rocketman - I think of Space bat.

@bholley: well the whole - "we're gonna strap you in this fancy glider with rockets, on top of a giant tank filled with rocket fuel, with rockets attached to the side, and see if we can't get you into space!! :D " - thing kind of sours it in the first place doesn't it?

@weezermc78: You're getting old - also, they just don't make 'em like they used to. I can't count the number of times I've been let down on a sequel/continuation of a classic franchise in the past few years.

@kevito: PTO - it's there for a reason.

@oddDEM007: SERIOUSLY. Though I've been begging for an X-Wing/Tie Fighter sequel for longer. Developers these days just hate gamers! It's so obvious. I guess all the money's being aimed at the casuals & previously non-gamers. Not gonna touch this trash even in the bargain bin.