
I don't think the question is accurate/specific enough. Sure, I'd be perfectly happy with a phone that just calls and txt's (miss the hell out of my StarTac). Would I have an additional pocketable device that takes great pics/video, web surfs, games, apps (yep, I just made that a verb), & maybe plays music? You

@simracer: Picked up some floor standing Athena's a couple of years ago. As an ex audio guy (engineer) - they're stellar. Just ran some vinyl through them the first time a couple of weeks ago - still slapping myself in the face for not really listening to them sooner.

@AmphetamineCrown: Yep. Especially if it's mp3's of any sort - Genelec's would be largely a waste of money. In fact, I think Genelec's actually have a built in radio beacon triggered by any digital throughput under 48kHz, that signals audiophiles within a 50 mile radius to come to their aid.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Maybe it's because I got a flyer from them in the mail this morning... but yeah...

@fuchikoma: Completely agree. Looks horrible...

@PushingRope: You would be a great mastering engineer. I think they just generally go with the Pioneer bookshelf's. ;)

@dusteruk: Wow. Bravo sir. There's a Fiat ad campaign buried in that comment somewhere. ;)

@Thejapmn: "...kind of like the SM57 is the standard cheap microphone even though it doesn't really sound that good."

@KupoCheer: This. I'd be really interested to see some before/after overall available bandwidth numbers on some of the big backbones. Unnecessary imo - just a sales gag.

@dusteruk: So... many... punchlines... can't... AAARGH....

@Vman455: Ha! Yeah, guess I'll be going with the "ho-tah" until I'm the laughing stock in Milan (or... Mexico).

@MifuneT: All four of us (6' 250) should get together and really put it to the test. (and I'd demand my nickname be shorty)

@KillerBee: Makes sense. I hope you're right. Don't wanna be one of the... "HOOO boy, ain't that one of them thar fancy JODA's!?! Hawt dang!"

Pronunciation? Jo-ta? Jo-duh? Yoda?! Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe...

Wonder if they actually listened to criticism.

Why six (but really three,) shots of the front and none of the back? Is it hideous in the back?

@hawkeye18: Depending on where the plane was, it was probably pressurized as well. If I'm not mistaken, all those doors open inward and not out - so... I suck at math, and I'm not looking up 737 emergency door dimensions, but I'm pretty sure this waif would've knocked herself well out before even cracking that door

Lotus Esprit S4 & NSX. Various reasons aside from money - probably more lame excuses.