

@p8ntballnxj: That's wrong. In LA, the back woods ticket givers were also raping the public on chump charges - we recently enacted a law that any proceeds from tickets below 10mph over the limit - go straight to the state. No word on effectiveness. Sure sounded like a good idea though.

Odd. I wonder if they have PS3 sniffing dogs yet?

@Eltigro: I remember that cover like it was yesterday - must've poured over that thing hundreds of times. That would be the 2nd or 3rd issue I believe.

@Desanvium: Backwards. More likely a lot of gay people waving flags around saying that people in fat suits with guns are killing the country.

@BeerManMike: Why do any of them... *double sigh

@Peppair: Temba! His arms wide!!

@MAConcep00: First laugh of the day - u da man.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Yeesh... Think I'll get excited after a couple of generations of miniaturization.

@Captain_Midnight: Would depend on the strength of the devices "containment field" yes?

@gla2yyz: They would be managerial fools not to slap a light bar on top and call it the "patrol officer of the month reward".

Translation: We're going to rape the Infinity Ward name until we don't make anymore money, just as we did with the CoD name! Enjoy! :D

@Tycho Vhargon: Agreed. My home theater, long lost sports car, & motorcycle are proof - and yep, getting another sports car asap.

Glaringly absent... estimated price.

@Full_Circle: Ah good. Big fat heart clicky for you then sir. Stay strong brutha! ;)

@Korrupt: One can't (safely) leave the car and surf the web, check e-mails, play a PC game, watch some old DVR'd stuff, hop on the treadmill for a while, do some yard work, play with the dogs, clean the kitchen.

Seriously? There's nothing else you could do for 1/2 an hour? Seems like a pretty juvenile NERDRRRAAAAGEE rant.