
@acidrain69: Agreed. So many fakes as well. I think the only officially released (but not,) track is the one @ the light cycle reveal @ "Flynn's Arcade" from Comic Con last year. That's Daft Punk.

Also, a serious foodie if you follow his pics (this is one). He apparently has the metabolism of a cheetah on meth, and/or exercises religiously bordering on obsessively.

@jetRink: Poppies... poppies will make them sleep

@Feyhra: Curse you for giving me hope like that - curse you! (but yes.. please yes)

Six hundred whaaa—?!

@Andrew Melvin: Buddy - I think you're living in all the wrong countries.

@dscholz249: Wondering as well. Looks like it wants to be a Verizon or T-mobile phone.

@ludwigk: They give good advice. She'll drive you right outta your mind.

@Perfec7: So that whole "Commander in Chief" thing for all branches of the armed forces doesn't really hold much sway in your book?

Not buying. Hate Activision/Blizz. May buckle or pirate the Protoss campaign/version when it ships.

@Newestname: Agreed. No buffeting - no Vader. Useless.

@Fulgurite: Did. Due to my amateurish amount of experience and knowledge in the oil and gas industry, I immediately recognized it as one of the most obvious pieces of propaganda I had ever seen.

@Fulgurite: ...and then read this article - and reform your own opinion.

@techynottreky: I also SEEN the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commissions reports (by an independent lab) on that guys water well.

@xulong: Nice to see somebody with some actual knowledge of petroleum engineering speaking up.

They'll never get an Apple app at this rate!

Mr. Nolan... imma kiss you on the face one day. Just a peck... but yep.

@WingedGenius: You're argument is completely irrelevant. It's not which is more preferable or comfortable in your opinion, it's which is factually superior competitively. The answer is undisputed.

@jspeed04: Correct. No friggin' way.

@Ryanrule: ...that she thought R136a1 was a BOOK LIGHT!! AAAAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! ahem...