
@PunkRockMachine: Chop off your arms & legs, then strap a 700lb weight 3 times as big as you to your back and see how big of a deal it is then.

@trev801: I keep telling people, after working closely with my 96 year old grandpa for 3 years now, the same. Definitely drugs/alcohol in my future. Don't want to be 96. He's great for 96, don't get me wrong - but he's still 96, and buddy - 96 sucks. I'll be pushin' my luck @ 80 I imagine.

@philaDLJ: Ugyanaz itt! És én még csak nem is beszélnek magyarul! Crazy!

@hhhtseng: Ah! Well that explains it. Was also puzzled (& too lazy/forgetful/didn't care enough to look it up). Thanks again.

@Strangelove: This. This. One million billion fucking times this. Alas, I'm one more hand-held iteration from giving up all hope for good. We shall weep together my brother.


@ImmaLion: While I adore the 'didge, and would pay a great many dollars to hear thousands at once - I beg you and your countrymen to grace us with your beautiful singing voices instead, and leave the sound amplification devices at home. :)

@sbunny: It's the land of opportunity! :D

@cutter1: It's sourced from BGR there angry apple fanboi.

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: Holy crap - I haven't seen you post in years - (or haven't been paying attention.)

Peacebomb - lmao - that's fucking golden.

@Koda89: I would pay to hear that sound. Those things move a ton of air - t'would be quite epic.

You can have my "imperial" when you pry it out of my cold dead hands.

@zippzom: Wow. You have the point.

Et tu HDNet? I am disappoint Mr. Cuban.