AVClub Med

Juliet Mills is fine. That is all the levity that I can muster.

If you ever want a gateway into teaching anthropology students about the process by which stories become myths, use this novel. Glad that you live a long time and are now joining the owsla.

It has reached the pantheon of films where if I am changing channels and it is on, no matter where in the film, I will keep it on and watch the rest. Shawshank Level.

I would see Silly Golf Men. Sounds like Single Female Attorney (Ally McBeal) from Futurama. Your point would be more effective if we were not a bunch of idiots commenting. At least me.

He is vying with Anna Faris.

I will watch The Ref again; it has been a few years.

Daisy, Daisy, giiiive… me your… answer… dooooooooooo,

I thought that the suit was funny for about five seconds, not something to build half an episode around.

Dick Van Dyke did once on his show.

This is honestly a whole new world that I did not suspect was so extensive.

Damn. I only ever read the Star Wars one. That's how I found out about Biggs.

You are a rare visionary. I just see that gut.

Anyone else finding that this series has the… nicest, most positive posting rate of any feature here or elsewhere? People seem genuinely want to communicate, share experiences, and let other people know about films that they may also enjoy. Over the topic of violent movies. There is some word for this.

Revealing embarrassing secrets is your hobby?

His name, then was not Quaid, as he indicated.

I love Danny Glover to death. And him, fighting a Predator hand to hand at the end, with his big, dad-sized gut hanging over his belt was not convincing the way Arnold fighting one was. The Predator was down one hand at that point, but still.

Kind of funny how the head was rigged to explode, which you would not need unless it malfunctioned. I nitpick, I know.

Well, there were a shit-storm economy and two wars to deal with from the get-go.

It noted some distance from Anchorage, as Joel went to a conference there and flew, I think.

I try to skip the first two paragraphs as a general rule. It often works. Then, I commence to complain.