AVClub Med

There is now significant Department of Justice grant money available to test backlogs of DNA evidence, and the overall time to get DNA results has dropped from ca. 2-3 years to ca. 2-3 months.

Well… should any crime have a statute of limitations?

They were there before him (I think) and they will live on after him.

I think it has more to do with victims reluctant to come forward in the past. There is a practical statute regardless that old evidence may no longer have been retained, witnesses die, etc. that makes it hard to press charges in the older cases.

Just… a bike shop, possibly the least recession-proof business next to selling boats. It gave me no sympathy for them, and I come from a family that was much poorer than they were portrayed and with more children. The budget for their Halloweens each year alone was staggering.

Yeah. I had forgotten about her, which I think proves your point. Denise Richards, hotter of the two.

Nice. Plus, I am tired of hearing MPDG.

Might be good for practice, in a situation with low stakes. Ten hours travel time or ten time zones?

We also need to discuss why Michael Biehn taps out and never makes it until the final battle of the movie.

Yeah. A lot of that still looks really good.

I think that CGI of metallic objects has held up better over time. They also combined using temporary metallic-looking appliques to Robert Patrick for a lot of the gunshot effects, then switched to CGI when they needed a hole all the way through him or to make the gunshot impact go away. Definitely helps when it is

If it was impressive at the time but has not aged that well, then it is one up on me.

That's what he does! That's all he does!

I concur, he is not known for putting out "beloved" films, but some are (E.T., Catch Me If You Can, etc.).

I note that dating sites require individuals to put in their height but not their bra size.

This corpse is very much alive

I believe that was my point.

Read about Tom Yawkey at some point.

It explains at least two decades of the losing.

Oregano Spice, the hot Italian one, got cut from the group, which this article glosses over.