
I remember a certain someone throwing around the words "bloodthirsty warmonger" a lot…

It'll get a bump before he ruins it again with some more twitter bullshit.

I'm holding out for This Ain't Newsradio XXX

Excellent catch. Dammit, I really hate that I missed that.

I've often wondered where the AV Club should fall, philosophically. On the one hand, they are quasi-journalistic and so would logically subscribe to the AP Guide. On the other hand, they never tire of reminding us of their Chi-town base so they could very well be Chicago Manual of Style loyalists.

I don't want to give the impression that I'll defend anything a Democratic senator does, but Franken's doing that because he has a time limit for his questions, including Gorsuch's responses, and Gorsuch basically kept repeating the same point over and over, which eats up the time. Franken didn't want to get pulled

I always see celebs at my cardio-the-bar class (keeping your heart rate up while simultaneously studying case law is a powerful time-management solution).

Like I said, he's not some craven partisan hack. I was mostly thinking of Franken's questions regarding what seems, on its face, a pretty fucked up ruling (actually a dissenting opinion), which may have had a decent rationale behind it but Gorsuch certainly didn't bother to give one.

Accidentally hit post before I finished.

There are (were?) still a few aspects of our system that are at least theoretically non-partisan, the Supreme Court being the most visible. Traditionally, you need a much stronger reason than "they were appointed by an opposing party President" to vote against a SCOTUS nominee (like evidence of incompetence or

They had the votes (there are many Republicans who essentially couldn't not vote for him), but "agenda setting" was controlled by a small group of Republicans, who refused to even let the confirmation hearing process start, let alone come to a vote. For nine+ months. It's technically legal, but an unprecedented move

Counterpoint: This show has been pretty caviler about the biological implications of zombieism, and if the show goes on long enough (PLEASE PLEASE) it just becomes less silly to say "yeah, they age, whatever" instead of ignoring that the human actors still clearly do get older (because, sure Joss, the David Boreanaz

I'm thinking!

Like with much of the alt right, I think the line is a lot blurrier than you're assuming. It seems like they change how serious or "funny" they are based on how you approach them.

(Or they were doing their "endless apps" thing and you just assumed you were brilliant conmen.)

Oh. Yes, you're right.

If you inhaled water and your pulse stopped, you clinically died. Which is what Archer did. Cyrill declared him dead, and they had to use a defibrillator to restart his heart.

It'd be pretty great if over the course of his coma-dream he worked out what was up with her quasi-appearance last season.

(Archer drowned at the end of Season 4 too)

He's been shot many times and drowned at least once. It's like with alcohol; he's built up a tolerance.