Mr. Hermateeowish

"Dany seems not to grasp that other people think that they matter, and
that they don't view themselves as simply existing to serve her. "

Wonder what ever did happen to old Barristan?

"It's like confessing to treason you didn't commit for leniency,  and they chop your head off anyway!

Shouldn't Chaplin's grandkids be like, 70? Somebody was not the first wife in that branch of the family tree.

Sister Greyjoy looks like a bit of a man, baby.  

It was nice to see the Progeria DJ from Die Antwoord working again.

True, except that that only further highlights how glossed-over Theon's taking of Winterfell really was.  Robb seemingly left literally no one guarding his capital? 
Keep in mind, a big deal was made of the fact that Theon only has this one small crew of one small ship.  I get that most of the North's military is off

So one day the warlocks woke up and were like "Wait, this shit actually works now"?

The workings of Qarth are one of those things that we are definitely not getting enough information about in the tv adaptation.  I feel like I'm going to have to read the wikis and risk spoilers just so I have any idea of what's really going on. 


Hard to believe that there are only 2 more episodes. Have we come even close to covering the second book? Damn near NOTHING has happened with John Snow. It only feels like there's action with him because 99% of it was squeezed into the last two episodes.  Does the entirety of his story in the second book consist of

In yet another well thought out Theon plan, he's going to look like a fool 5 minutes later when Northerners see the Stark boys still alive. 

Yes, but Littlefinger was also literally a pimp, and they're known for being trustworthy and upstanding. 

No, Joe Biden.

So far, there doesn't seem much reason to believe that the Iron Islands have an army of any sort.  Even if they had a massive one, the history of Westeros is that anyone invading the North ends up like Napoleon or Hitler invading Russia.  So what the hell is the plan here? I get why Theon is making stupid decisions,

Thabo Mbeki told him he could cure it with olive oil and lemon juice.

Wow, talk about "and not a single fuck was given that day".  If this story is important to you, please tell me where you keep your time machine.

Wow. After your really meaningful and in no way knee-jerk straw man comment, I'm ready to reconsider any and all positions I may have once held.

Well, the Palestinian Authority just sentenced a former diplomat to death for selling his house to Jews.  Congress had blocked any more aid being given to them, and Obama overrode it and gave them millions because they are the "moderate" party.  So as long as we're saying who did things with Nazi-like individuals.

Well it kind of doesn't matter who believes what about Joffrey's father at this point- he is the king until someone knocks him off.  If it came out tomorrow that Obama really was foreign born, most of his supporters would argue that it doesn't matter and keep it tied up in court for so long anyway.