
Not a perfect episode but The Goldbergs has been one of the most consistent shows on TV since season 2. I give it an A-.

Not having anyone from M*A*S*H* is just wrong. Harry Morgan (AKA Colonel Potter) must be turning over in his grave.

The fact that there are other shows now doesn't mean SNL is producing bad talent. All it means is that more people are being discovered and are getting a chance to succeed.

I always got the feeling that Fox picked up the show because they wanted to work with Mulaney, more so than because they actually liked what he was doing. I remember reading somewhere that fox wanted Mulaney to be a single cam show. When Mulaney rejected that idea they probably just started meddling with the show to

Medium Talent…You're joking, right? Tell that to Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg, Fred Armisen, and the rest of that cast. Seriously go watch Hader's episode of Kevin Pollak's Chat Show. He constantly swears by Mulaney as being one of the funniest people ever.

My only complaint with this episode is that the Religion plot should have been quicker, harder hitting which would have given the Rick and Morty plot the necessary time to develop everything. Other than that I feel like the episode was a solid B+ and shouldn't be unfairly rated for coming after Total Rickall.

This episode was good, but I think the joke/plot progression got a little repetitive. I give it a B.

The only people I've ever heard talking about Blu-ray ( well at least in the past 3-5 years) have been movie buff types. From my experience most people don't care enough to actually own the movie and if they do they're more ok with owning it digitally. I do however think that earlier on a fair amount of people

Aren't people calling Jerry old and out of touch contradicting themselves by being ageist?

Stop being ageist! ;)

My thoughts exactly. Its not like its Don Rickles saying this.

Nah, Frances Ha should be on an endless loop until you fall in love with Greta Gerwig. The Master on the other hand had me checking my watch every 5 minutes.

I'm disappointed nothing by J.C. Chandor made the list.

Please by all means dodge my question by stating the obvious. *SMH* Though I guess its my fault for not asking the right question. Why rework the joke with the overused Big Lebowski quote? What compelled you respond to me in such a fashion? There certainly must have been other much better ways to rework the joke.

So if its just my opinion why did it compel you to respond?

Especially for someone living in Florida.

The Evan running joke and Scottie Pippen stuff was really good, but the A and B plots didn't do anything for me.

Yeah, once Oliver got his own show Cenac was my first choice.

I'll give Noah a chance (if the rumor is true), but the guy certainly wasn't my first choice. I would have given it to Wyatt Cenac or Paul F. Tompkins. Kristen Schaal would have also been interesting if they wanted to go in a different direction (but she probably wouldn't have wanted to give up Bob's Burgers and Last

Yes but as of season 6 Dean is the only one. I'm ok with it as long as they don't bring up Annie and Britta wanting to.