Spencer Hastings

Wow, for such a relatively recent show, Monk sure has a lot of misinformation going around about it!

Huh? Nickelodeon absolutely is a network, and Doug absolutely did switch networks. Its first three seasons aired on Nickelodeon, and its last four premiered on ABC.

I've heard that Barney Collier on Mission: Impossible inspired a generation of black engineers.

Someone's never listened to "A Horse with No Name."

Two former. She also did Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

They wrote it first. Danny Elfman is a dirty plagiarist.

She also says "I'm cool with that" at some point, which seems less than period-accurate.

Perhaps you're thinking of Andy Garcia?

Shakespeare in Love, anyone?

It's 1977 & 1980 or 1978 & 1981. Gotta pick one style of numbering; can't mix and match.

I mean, the ballots from the past several years are all available on the Emmy website, with a full list of who was submitted for consideration, so this can be debunked without much effort.

He was the main villain of that season (and killed Graem Bauer himself).

Gotta love it when prestige HBO dramas position themselves as "the next Pretty Little Liars."

Young Larry David was decently handsome.

It's really weird how this review pretends that Kem Nunn is the showrunner (and completely ignores the actual showrunner, Alexandra Cunningham).

It's not Batman!

"Percentage of answers given that are correct" is a meaningless statistic for most purposes. The way to directly compare knowledge between genders would be to assess how many of the actual clues are correctly guessed by men and how many by women — and of course, Jeopardy! is set up so that it's basically impossible

The Sapir-Wank hypothesis