Spencer Hastings

This question appears WAAAY too far down on the page.

Despite what the review and several commenters say, Houdini's appendix rupture wasn't caused by a blow to the stomach. (This was believed for many years, but is now considered a myth.) However, the blow may have indirectly caused his death by leading him to ignore the pain of the rupture bc he attributed it to the

*shrug* I was disappointed by Time After Time, but The Seven Percent Solution is incredibly good. Also, it got Meyer his only Oscar nomination.

How about this: Vikner's men were killed alongside him. Zoya's men got rid of their bodies. Vikner's body was left behind as a symbolic message.

"I rather liked the idea of Tupac singing/rapping Shake It Off! C'mon, its a funny idea!"

Tell that to the makers of Chicago.

I get your joke, but actually, it's fairly clear from the write-up above.

"I think part of what appeals to me so much about Doctor Who is that it's got this ridiculously convoluted, self-contradicting continuity that's almost impossible to totally decipher, and that has come together from a huge number of people working sometimes at cross-purposes for an extremely long period of time."

Nice troll, Enrico! I almost fell for it.

How light skinned was Ritchie Valens?

Belgium was in The Congo long before the '60s. The reference is to the Congo Crisis, which is better described as "Belgians in the Congo."

You don't count "Killing Me Softly With His Song" as a good thing?

He also played the French president in Mars Attacks! and a minor villain in Marvel's The Avengers.

Hollywood is in love with revenge fantasies enacted by both men and women (c.f. Sleeping with the Enemy, Double Jeopardy, Enough for examples of revenge by women on abusive men being celebrated). Quentin Tarantino, who made Django Unchained, also made Kill Bill and Death Proof, which take an equally glamorized view

I don't even own a Babe Ruth.

something something ass out of this world

It was a bit underwhelming from the show that gave us that sublime "Josie" sketch w/ Josh Hutcherson.

True story: Gwen Stefani was born in 1969. Ted Cruz was born in 1970.

"salutes flag," eh?

"It seemed to me he was taking off his pants so as to bend over and receive…"