Spencer Hastings

They are all descendants of Emily Litella.

"the schlub he'd been handcuffed with" <— aka Jonathan Coulton, real-life inspiration for Matthew Lillard's character last season

So glad to hear, a decade later, that I'm not the only who noticed that error and how it undermined the entire point that episode was trying to make ("If we were in the mob, would we kill a guy to save ourselves and each other?").

SVU did a Willingham ep as well, in typical sledgehammer-subtlety fashion.

In some jurisdictions, all CSIs actually are full-fledged cops.

I think that was based on a real incident, which also inspired an episode of L&O:CI (one of the Alicia Witt ones).

Nope, Alyson Stoner is a different actress. Hannah West was Juliette Goglia, late of The Michael J. Fox Show.

Not the neckbeas!!

There are lots of Italian jews.

They need one "glamour" category to get people to care about the Creative Arts Emmys at all. The winners of the guest star categories are asked to present during the main broadcast.

Given how awful she was on Conviction and Law and Order: Criminal Intent, it's amazing how likable she was here. Hopefully fewer contemporary procedurals and more period dramas are in her future.

It's just a few too many syllables to be a Lorde lyric.

Agree. I was already forgetting it as I made my way out of the theater.

Yes, calling it racist struck me as odd because today, of course researchers would collect demographic data and analyze their data for differences due to demographic variables. This is usually to see if there are differences due to culture/socioeconomic status/gender roles/etc., although it could also be to show that

Not a fan of Ugly Betty?

Tommy Chong did guest star in one episode. He tried to get high with Cheech's character, only for Cheech to tell him that his drug of choice was now Rogaine.

Perhaps she is objectified and sexualized, but not for straight male audiences.

@eric827:disqus: Not a fan of Shaft.

Now, if it were a millennial Return of the Secaucus 7, I'd be impressed.

WIDDLE is on Gideon's cell wall, underneath an icon of a key. The credit for Nick Offerman's character reads "Key Vigenere."