Spencer Hastings

Bewitched sent Samantha back in time to Salem.

Artistic evaluations and moral evaluations are both taste judgments. There is no evidence that the processes underlying them are in any way different. Saying "art is amoral" is like saying "morality is non-moral"; it's a blatant contradiction.

Tracy Tabernacle! (look it up)

… up until the moment Reese and Joss kissed.

What do you think that comment earned you?

Make fun of men's rights activists one week, show why they're necessary the next.

Also, different cultures are socialized in different ways regarding hugs. Some people of Asian descent don't hug very easily.

"The American education system has failed completely and utterly. It should be completely destroyed and rebooted."

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus clearly meant "A non-HYDRA agent would literally do anything else" besides "just confess to being HYDRA in that situation." Learn to read.

And even if he'd said "God," it was most likely an expression learned by habit, not a "vacillation."

It's established that no one monitors the security footage in real time; otherwise, they would have noticed Mandy's escape at the moment it happened, rather than after she was long gone.

Re #1, the show's been pretty consistent about showing that bad guys are killed by low-level cops, after which Ryan and Mike grimace and frown.

I disagree. She has a pretty strong track record with funny characters that go against her natural hotness (e.g. Bedelia, Tippy, Arianna Huffington, arguably Rahat).

I believe what you're looking for is the video for "Substitution" by Silversun Pickups.

I definitely thought that many of this week's shenanigans had an "A"-like flavor to them.

Julianna Guill, best known to AV Clubbers as a member of Alison Brie's band The Girls.

I know Fernando Wood for being played by Lee Pace in Lincoln.

Roger Craig told me that they would never make a former champ the host, because anyone who's ever met the host can't be a contestant. If they pick someone like Jennings, they can say goodbye to future Masters, Ultimate, or Decades tournaments.