Spencer Hastings

Interestingly, Bertillon's belief that you could positively ID people by their unique physical measurements was shown to be false in the famous Will/William West incident: http://scafo.org/library/11…

Really? There is definitely a real-life institution that is very similar (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… ), but I couldn't find anything with that specific name.

It was called Darkness at Noon, which (in addition to being a great novel by Arthur Koestler), it almost certainly a reference to Low Winter Sun. The lighting in the scenes we saw, and the overheard snatches of plot and dialogue, were also very reminiscent of that AMC dud.

Wow, last week an Italian American actress and a Latina actress looked so similar to Sims that he declared they might as well be the same character. This week he declares that two Black men who don't really look alike are "twins" despite no textual evidence. Also, when two women argue in a custody battle, and one of

"The only time I can think of when an established star found the perfect TV role that then took them to the next level is Claire Danes with Homeland."

Contention: The "Previously on …" segment does not remove any ambiguity at all.

I got the feeling that was not so much brilliance as "repeatedly dipping into the same shallow bag of tricks, with diminishing returns."

The first season of CI is amazing. Viola Davis makes a great villain in one episode.

Leon's getting laaaaaarger!!

Hiroshima Mon Amour opened my eyes to the possibilities of cinema, but Mon Oncle d'Amerique shaped my career path, by teaching me how to view the world as a psychologist.

I suspect that people who are told that it's a "deep" "masterpiece" will find it pretentious. For those whose notions are less preconceived, it can be a lot of fun.

@latveriandiplomat:disqus's analysis is excellent. He or she has clearly thought it through much more than the writers.

Kenan's Cosby is an imitation of Kenan's Cosby on All That.

… and then Peter clearly replied that he was 9.

Try its hand? Didn't Conan start out right after Lopez Tonight?

Now you have.

It's also right up there with the heist scene with the guy suspended on cables done in complete silence in Topkapi.

Washington Generals ftw