Spencer Hastings

How is this argument any different from "[Woody Allen] would need to be some sort of monster to [molest his daughter]. I have a hard time wrapping my head around that."?

Taking Buzzfeed quizzes is her new obsession.

I don't know where this meme got started. He's always been an equal-opportunity offender, and he has no party affiliation. When he does discuss his political opinions, he seems to lean right on fiscal issues (e.g. taxes, defense) and left on social issues (pro-unions, pro-gay rights, pro-legalizing weed).

I can't believe I never made that that joke during the whole Ronan Farrow paternity brouhaha. (Man, I miss the days when that was the most controversial thing related to the Allen/Farrow relationship.)

I liked how the CVS sketch featured an interracial couple … followed immediately by the two overweight cast members paired together.

So what you're saying is that it reverses the common Hollywood stereotype.

I'm not sure you're reading the review correctly—it's describing the moment in the cemetery where Hannah talks about David as "genuine," not the telling of the Margaret story to Adam.

As was everything Bonnie said, in the show.

Wow, this brings back some great memories of reading Baring-Gould. It's not a true Holmes-related fandom until there are sincere efforts to wrangle some sense out of a convoluted chronology.

I hate to pile on, but yeah, zero Milverton in there. Also, I don't see any similarities (beyond very, very broad ones) to "The Second Stain" either.

You yada-yada'ed the best part!

Let me see if I can do this right …

I believe it was the Duchess of Windsor who said that a woman can never be too rich, too thin, or too redheaded.

Those lines felt like Harmon speaking directly to the audience.

It's not a Greg Daniels show if it doesn't outstay its welcome by at least 4 years.

A couple years ago, Community and 30 Rock had jokes about the name "Kevin" on the same night.

I didn't know Cheryl Miller's brother played basketball.

Adrian Monk, of all people, was a huge fan.

Does that make April a pedophile then?

wtf is starrrrrrrrrrz lol