Spencer Hastings

"is definitely light years ahead of that"

Except that that's the opposite of what happened in the show. After Sherlock "killed himself," an investigation cleared him. And considering how many die-hard fans the in-universe Sherlock had, it's not reasonable to assume no one would try to clear his name.

I hate unplanned tangents.

Lt. Kinderman in The Exorcist, Willy Loman, and Juror #3: Three roles played by both Lee J. Cobb and George C. Scott.

Aw, no Lillian Hellman ref? :(

"It comes with the territory of having the ability to convincingly become someone else."

"The fact that they couldn't be proven (because they weren't true) didn't stop people from believing them."

"He had Watson bring in the murder weapon (made absolutely sure he brought the gun)"

@avclub-073a11d55bb09d6aa790aa4128caa84f:disqus is trolling you. There have been no Prisoner references on this show (and it's not like it's a sitcom anyway).

That's not milk that's premature.

Yup, that's why we all still suck our thumbs!

Reefer Madness ftw

The Annie picking up a pen with her foot scene was funny, except I kept thinking, "Why doesn't she just bend over while facing and looking directly at him?"

Just like Lucy Liu.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus: You didn't think Monk or Psych or The Mentalist there?

Depends. Do you want him to have a seat over there?

Root incapacitated them, using knowledge of their physical vulnerabilities gleaned from The Machine (and, perhaps, from America's Funniest Home Videos).

Root incapacitated them, using knowledge of their physical vulnerabilities gleaned from The Machine (and, perhaps, from America's Funniest Home Videos).

His father, John McGiver, was a character actor with memorable roles in the original Manchurian Candidate and Breakfast at Tiffany's.