Spencer Hastings


Was there any evidence that Not-Snowden actually killed her because she spurned his advances, or was that just Sherlock's speculation?  The facts presented in the episode seem to support the idea that he killed her for exposing their location equally well (assuming he was smart enough to figure out that Sherlock was

No doubt we'll find out that this Moriarty has a sister named Jamie as well.

Interestingly, Vittorio de Sica's only Oscar nomination was as an actor.

One that I always enjoy (once I noticed it) is in The Red Shoes.  During the big ballet number, one dancer's hat flies off his head and can be seen on the ground during the next few shots.  I never noticed this until I saw it on the big screen.

… and, of course, the knocking on a door (or guitar?) during "Beat It"

The Bill Murray story was so obviously a joke that it's amazing anyone takes it seriously.

She's great in You Can't Take It With You, the Capra film no one ever talks about even though it won the Best Picture Oscar.

To be effective as catharsis, it would have had to summon up the elemental infuriated anger someone in Token's situation would feel at being not only victimized due to his race but victim-blamed — and labeled a threat — due to his victimization.  It didn't.  Without that catharsis, there was no strong emotion to

" cinema … is just as literary as traditional literature"

"gunning for Pynchon" has a very different meaning from "gunning for Salinger."

Is it narrated by Bob Saget?

According to Wikipedia, Saul Bellow was born in Canada and lived there until the age of 9.  I'm surprised Canadians don't "claim" him.

So, you guys, um … Saul Bellow was born in Canada.

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's "Jerusalem" wants a word with you.

Huh?  At the time of his win Brodsky had been settled in the US for 15 years.  He was a member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, he had been awarded a MacArthur Genius Grant, and a few years later he would be named US Poet Laureate.  He also wrote quite a bit in English during that time.

The actor must have jumped at the chance to reverse his typecasting as a serial killer.

Considering that his next word was "Seriously," implying that what came before wasn't serious, I'm guessing the usage was not in fact unironic.

You must be.  You misspelled "Henrik Ibsen."

By "John Huston," do you mean "Sterling Hayden"?