Spencer Hastings

No, it tried to save Schraderbrau!

I was thinking "Mr. Blue Sky"

Jesse's not the Messiah; he's a very naughty boy!

No, Jesse goes to Alaska and rooms with a young guy named Francis.

@avclub-b97fa993e1616965ac436401de58042d:disqus : Of course not; he would never say that!  He actually said, "Flynn till they get a load of me."

That sentence jumped out at me as well.  One of the few things I remember from film school about cinematography is that wide-angle lenses keep everything in focus and long lenses pluck out one particular plane of focus.

@avclub-e604e8a31b871a3978f59bfc8596d8df:disqus : There are some episodes of Freaks and Geeks you need to get your hands on.

Christine Ebersole also used to co-host Weekend Update.  Strong left her out, probably because the writers were afraid of confusing people (or else they just don't know their show's history).

She doesn't have any lines
She's not in the show
But something tells me
That if she were
She'd be rarin' to go!

I don't think that sketch is ever coming back (the public image of Miley it plays on has now been pulverized into dust), but if ever there were a window to revive it, it would be next week's show.

Where's Connie Nielsen when you need her?

It's weird how three full pages will go by without anyone making a certain observation, and then on the fourth page two people make it independently at the exact same time.

Not a lot of Where Eagles Dare fans here, I see.

I've never wanted a show to fail more than I did Running Wilde, simply because I knew that if it were renewed, there would never be more Arrested Development.

Thanks, James Mason in North by Northwest!

I don't want to see that!

Yes, somehow Cuoco has remained beautiful over the course of the show, even while aging from 20 to 27.

The seventh episode is the one that introduces Elias, right?  That one's kind of a must-see.

I was under the impression that uncut diamonds were more or less worthless.  I mean, it's not like they're even remotely scarce.

s/middle of the second season/end of the first season