Spencer Hastings

EXCELLENT reference

Ralph Kramden wasn't that horrible ….

Medium Cool is a brilliant movie

Walt would fuck Samara up.

"Lydia, this could be the beginning of a beautiful—"
"92 percent, right?  You're sure about that?"

… who isn't lactose-intolerant.

I used to make that complaint in front of female friends all the time.  They would ask who her husband is, I would give the name, they would never have heard of him, so they would Google Image Search him, and then they would exclaim, "Wow!  He's really handsome!"

Batman's a scientist.

That was a good performance — totally different from his Seinfeld image, right in the middle of his Seinfeld run.

To make this circular: Profit was hugely influenced by the original BBC House of Cards.

Columbo was essentially finished as a series when the mystery wheel ended in 1977, and it went off the air for over a decade in 1978, so it doesn't really fall into that period.  (The Rockford Files, its successor as TV's prestige detective show, typifies the shift away from intellectual TV in that era.)

Ironically, there's an episode of Newhart where Dick calms Michael down by pointing out to him that all the sophisticated TV of the '70s, which Michael hated ("Ugh, don't remind me of that show about the shrink who stuttered"), was eventually displaced by the kind of TV Michael loves (e.g. the

And nice guys in cable shows, or at least one cable show (Breaking Bad).

I entered YOUR MOM!!! before it was cool!

The AV Club:

When I heard that, it was followed by, "Yesterday is the time to talk about new gun laws."

According to his Tonight Show interview, a childhood friend of his was hired as the baseball coach at his old school, and thus was able to work the system from within.  It's not clear whether this was at Charlie's instigation or whether the friend knew it was important to Charlie (though not important enough to do

If you actually sort through the Disney Channel and Nick sitcoms, some of them are pretty good in exactly the way classic multi-cam sitcoms were.  Hopefully kids who grow up on them will carry on the tradition.

Even though it doesn't have a Riegert or a Doctor (or even Burt Lancaster), fans of Local Hero will love Gregory's Girl as well.