Spencer Hastings

Several Murphy Brown cast members reprised their roles in an early Family Guy episode for a cutaway gag that mocked the use of topical references.

Cognitive scientists have spent decades looking for someone, anyone, with a photographic memory, and have yet to succeed.  What you're describing is just a really good declarative memory.

when you someone turn it into an AV Club meme?

here I go again
my, my, how can I resist you?

You know who ELSE is having a stroke?? (if you know what I mean)

I think that McAfee guy's done enough damage to the country's reputation.

Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu, and John Huston want a word with you.

Sandler non-fan & The Wedding Singer fan, reporting.

He was an early progenitor of the tradition — which continues to this day! — of gifted filmmakers not thinking about the moral implications of the stories they choose to tell.

Ebert liked a lot of Die Hard, and the parts he disliked were its weakest elements.

It's an understandable mistake under the circumstances, but New York magazine is different from the New Yorker.

Every episode of Journeyman is on Hulu (free).

Anne Frank had nothing to do with that (at least, not in the one aired episode), but it definitely seems relevant.

All of them?  No.  But it's really surprising how many of them are, and how accepted that prejudice is.

I hated the Spencer-in-Radley storyline, but I'm glad they keep referencing it when relevant; it promotes a sense of genuine world-building.  (I just hope it's not foreshadowing of her getting institutionalized again.)

I thought this excerpt from her Wikipedia page was interesting:

Considering how hard some people shipped Emily and Mrs. Marin back when Em was living with Hanna, I can only imagine what pinged during the Emily/Mrs. DiLaurentis scenes.

I agree.  They had great chemistry in the scene in his apartment in S2B, and nearly all their others scenes dating back to the pilot.  While their relationship was skeevy on a literal level, it never felt that way to me because Troian acts so mature.  Wren pursuing Hanna, on the other hand, was when it became clear

That avatar is like someone took Mon Oncle d'Amerique a step further.