Spencer Hastings

"blase" is correct (minus the diacritic, which is understandable when typing).  It's "mis-en-scene" that's the misspelling.

My nomination for forgotten Japanese auteur: Tomu Uchida.

Hiroshima is the movie that got me into cinema as an art form, so it'll always have pride of place with me for that.  That said, it's not even one of my top three favorite Resnais anymore.

Some pedantry to top your pedantry: While urine in the bladder is usually sterile, urinary tract infections are far from uncommon, and urine that has been, um, secreted is frequently unclean due to contamination from the urethra and surrounding skin.

I'm sure Barry did some work in getting it into shape, but Norman's credit is deserved.  The origins of the theme can be seen in a song he composed for a never produced musical version of A House for Mr Biswas.

That's true; typical members of the human race don't judge others on superficial aspects of physical appearance, and they certainly aren't affected by cultural standards and gender roles that equate certain people's value entirely with their looks.

I remember seeing the key parts of this interview in the AFI 100 Years… 100 Movies special, which aired in 1998.  That means this is over 15 years old.

A messy job? Well, that's when they usually call on him, or someone like him. Oh yes, his name is Goodwin. Mr. Goodwin.

Haha, yeah, I knew.  I was just pulling your leg/showing off.

Pierre Menard's Recliner of Rage

I'm pretty sure Nicole Kidman looks most like the Grim Reaper out of those people.

I just now (watching the trailer) realized that "Irma" is supposed to be pronounced the sexy French way, not the decidedly un-sexy American way.

That's right, Simmons was that young when she did Great Expectations and Black Narcissus!  And only around 18 when she did Hamlet, opposite Laurence Olivier who was around 40.

The animated sequence was by far the best part.

What the Butler Saw When the Butler Saw Saw I-VII

I think I've seen that episode, but I don't remember the motto from it — I came across it in AJ Jacobs' The Know It All, and it's always had a strong impact on my life.

Six years in Japan (hence the term "Christmas cake").

When will Joel McHale become an Oscar nominated actor???