Spencer Hastings

Liked for using the image of Ernest Borgnine in Violent Saturday.

I think you mean, "He's Oreo-ing our Hydrox!"

Can Joseph Dougherty write and Norman Buckley direct every episode from now on?  These last two have been among the best in series history.  It's like PLL finally remembered what made it good: Visual sophistication, endless plot twists and revelations, campy melodrama anchored by a strong core of relationships, giallo

The Shawshank Redemption, Dreamcatcher, Gone Baby Gone, The Bonfire of the Vanities: movies in which Morgan Freeman played a character who was White in the original source novel

"Is this where Robert Weine ended up in the latter stages of his career?"

Surreal, but not as surreal as the fact that there was a remake of Caligari co-written by (and starring!) Mikhail Baryshnikov, Joan Cusack, and Peter Gallagher.

"But yeah, Rommel was about as far from a Nazi one could get."

"in the finger/toe sense of the word" <— in that sense, humans have 20 digits
"It's easier for us to inherently understand quantities when expressed as a series of digits if the upper limit of those digits is a subitizable quantity" <— evidence??

Meg Tilly as Agnes of God ftw

You're kidding, right?

True, but compared to last week's cluster-eff, he's doing stellar with the fact-checking.  (I am wondering where the bit about Toby's mom being alive comes from, though.  Absent any inside scoop, I would have assumed that that was leading to a revelation of murder, not fake death.  Surely she didn't just disappear —

The showrunner seems to be pro-Ezria, but many fans take it as so-bad-it's-good comedy and/or an opportunity for hate-watching.  It's definitely more than a little problematic.

I don't recall any implication that she was in high school when Ali died (a year before the pilot).  On the contrary, she was in business school when the series began, implying she'd already graduated from college and spent a couple years working.  Also, she went to high school with Wilden, who was clearly multiple

"are we just retconning the existence of Aria's brother?"

Team Sparia!

Something similar happens in Men in Black, which came out before Godzilla.

The idea that it's somehow subversive to put this on the same channel that aired an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place where one of Alex's love interests literally ate another (out of jealousy), or where Alex froze one of her enemies and then accidentally knocked her over and broke her into a million pieces (which

I don't think Disney Channel would allow even hinting at the at the killing of minors.

And for Danny Chung!